chapter 4

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Nathan's; POV;

    I woke up to incessant knocking on my door, obviously from my four closest buddies because they were among the few people allowed to do such. They can be very mature during public appearance and when they wanted to be, but at other times, they can be very frustrating and annoying.

    Intro, I'm Nathan Ross, a teenage billionaire and a lot more which you'll find out later. Among my buddies, I'm mostly know as Nate. If you are a normal person reading this because you think it's fiction, great. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this exists.

    Don't say I didn't warn you.

    Everyone thinks that supernatural stories are a work of fiction. But trust me, it's real. I mean the supernaturals are so real. Yeah, werewolves, witches, vampires, warlock, mermaids and fairys exist but they all stay within their territories and boundaries but with time some of them went extinct due to a supernatural war. So most of the supernaturals that still exist are werewolves, few vampire clans like the originals, Cullens and Denalis and some group of witches.

   You might be wondering how I know all this. Well, I'm a werewolf, an alpha but you can't possibly realize it because we are just like humans but the only difference is that we have a wolf spirit living inside us. We can shift or phase into a wolf from time to time but the only time we don't have control over our phasing is during the full moon where our wolf side have complete control. Being part of the supernaturals is fun, interesting and dangerous. It might be scary and most of the time, and it can get you almost killed in painful, nasty ways. Enough of the explanation comes with time, you will learn more.

   Back to the story line;

    I grumbled angrily, my buddies should know better than disturbing my daily three hours of sleep. In between my werewolf and human life, I can get at most three hours of sleep in twenty four hours. Being the alpha of the richest and biggest pack of werewolves is tiring enough not to talk of being the CEO of hotels, tech and design enterprises.

    As for my buddies, their names are Ray, Cole, Max, and Jack. Their knocking continued so I had no choice but to respond. I took my tab and tapped a few things and the door unlocked. It was one of the extra designs I added to my room to keep them out.

    "Heyyyyy, alpha." They greeted sarcastically as they sauntered into my room.

    "What's going on here? Aren't there meetings scheduled for you all to attend?"

   "Nope, today's our day off and can't we all come to greet our favorite friend and Alpha in the whole world?" Ray, my beta and second in command answered.

   "Yeah!" The rest of them agreed.

    I facepalmed "you all want something, cause the only time you collectively come the visit me and disturb my sleep is when you want something, so spill it! Otherwise get out of my room." I emphasize by unlocking the door.

    "Okay, you're right." Cole, my third in command or Delta agreed.

    "Yeah." Max, my fourth in command admitted. He was in charge of running my tech business.

    "We want something from you." Jack, my fifth in command and leader of the pack guards and warriors confessed.

    "Nate, we won't take much of your time." Ray speculated. "We were thinking of throwing a party."

     "Okay." I sighed. "So why inform me??"

     They looked at one another as if trying to determine who would let the cat out of the bag, then Raymond decided to speak. "We wanted your permission to throw the party at Golden Palace Hotel."

     I stared at them. "Seriously??"

    "Yeah." they replied simultaneously. "We haven't thrown a good party in a long time, our social lives are on the stake here." Jack emphasized. "We are the famous five remember?"

     I noticed. "Okay, you have my approval but don't you dare wreck my hotel!"I warned.

    "Sure." Ray agreed. "Also, we have to shop for some things that we need."

    "Can't you do online shopping?" I knew there was something else they wanted.

     "Nah." Max answered. "We got bored of online shopping."

     I saw their points. "Okay, if that's all, you may all leave."

     "Also, you are coming with us, since it's your mall, we wouldn't have to pay." They said at once.

    I said it! There was a catch to this. "Dream on, guys.

picture is of Nathan.

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