chapter 3

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   My head felt woozy and heavy. I felt as if I was swimming in dark waters. I woke up to the lyrics of "I'm yours" by Alyssa Cara playing.

   "Turn it off!!!!" I screamed and started weeping again as Melanie rushed in and quickly turned it off. She came to one side of my bed and pulled me into her arms.

   I don't know how long I wept but after that, I became so weak, there were no more unshed tears to spill "Feeling better?" Melanie asked and I nodded affirmatively. "We made a mistake, he wasn't the right person for you. Trust me, the right person may come quicker than you expect. Mum was so sad while Dad is furious, threatened to have Dexter behind bars."

   I laughed at the thought of that, then I remembered something. "How did you find me?'

   "Duh, GPS obviously."


    "Now get ready. We're baking now and will be shopping in the evening".

    Ugh. Melanie hardly forgets some things. Well, who cares. I quickly had my bath, wore casual clothes, and packed up my hair into a bun as I entered the kitchen.

   "Well, what are we baking today?"

   "A lot."

    Hours later;

   I was so tired while Melanie was excited.

    "Young miss, don't tell me that's what you're gonna wear?" She eyed my clothes in disapproval.

    "Melanie, it's evening already. People won't care about what I wear." I protested but as usual, she dragged me into my room and started selecting my clothes.

   "I don't care, besides, the mall is opened twenty four hours seven days so how are you going to find Mr. Perfect if you are dressed up that way? And don't forget that your ex needs to be taught a lesson. By the way, I've updated your relationship status to single. You're welcome."

     Melanie had a point, I had to move on. I chose and wore a short black gown, which was perfect on me. Melanie approved. The drive to the mall was slow. I was trying to get over Dexter but I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. Maybe it was my fault after all, maybe it wasn't. Finally, we got to the mall. I wasn't interested in doing anything, but it was otherwise for Melanie. She was excited because she loved shopping to the core. I was deep in thoughts so I didn't really focus on her and soon I had lost my sister. I panicked, called her phone, but she wasn't picking up, she was probably engrossed in clothes or jewelries somewhere. I started running, moving from sections to sections, floor to floor in search of my bestie, no scratch that, my sister.

   I wasn't actually looking at where I was going until I bumped into a wall....nah my mistake...a guy. I tripped and almost fell but strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist, pulled me up very close to the owner in a tight hug which caused questionable tingles in my body and butterflies in my stomach. Time seemed to stop as I broke the hug and found myself staring into his electric blue eyes. I could feel nothing but the sparks enveloping my body, it was sensational.

    "Are you okay?" I heard the question but didn't realize early that it was my savior who asked.

    "I'm fine...I love you." I blurted out. Jeez what in the world is wrong with me, now he's gonna think that am a cheap girl who falls in love with anyone I meet at first sight. "I'm so sorry, I didn't..didn't really mean to.. I meant to say thank you for saving me." I apologized, still staring at him. Oh my gosh, he's the greatest definition of perfect, Susan would have given her life just to get her hands on him. That slutty bitch.

    He smiled and I almost swooned. "Don't worry, I don't mind sweetheart. So that we can be even, I love you too." I felt a blush creep to my cheeks, even his voice was perfect. "Mine." I thought I heard him growl, yes growl but that's not possible, but maybe my mind is playing tricks on me. My savior closed his eyes tightly and massaged his forehead as if in pain.

  "Are you okay?" I was so moved to ask.

  "Yeah, I'm great." He replied and opened his eyes. "Just an headache."

   "Then you have to take medications and have a long rest." I remembered that I had to find my sister. Wrong timing to get lost, sister, wrong timing. "Gotta go, thanks again." I took a step backward and turned to leave.

   "Wait! I don't even know the name of the pretty and beautiful damsel I just saved." He said and I laughed in return.

     "Don't worry about that, maybe someday we might meet again. Then I'll tell you so until then let's leave it to kismet." I said and ran off without a backward glance.

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