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An uneventful two weeks had passed since we first spoke to Jacob Moriarty. John and Sherlock had continued working on various minor cases, and I had gotten a job as a hospital pharmecist. My flat had been completed with all the furniture and appliances, so was now feeling more like a home, but I still spent most of my time in 221B nevertheless. The company of the boys had become invaluable to me, even Sherlock had started to become more approachable.

Currently, I was sat surfing the internet at Sherlock's desk, and Sherlock was sat in his armchair, watching a gameshow, to my surprise.

"I Love You."

The words just fell out of his mouth, and it took me a few seconds to process them.

"I beg your pardon?" I said. I was the only one in the room, so who else could he be saying it to? Had I heard him right?

"I Love You. It's this new gameshow where contestants have the opportunity to tell the people they secretly love how they feel, and if the person feels the same, they win a cash prize. Quite pointless really."

I tried my best to hide my relief. He was just talking about a gameshow. Just a gameshow...

"Oh- Oh that makes so much more sense. I was confused for a second." I laughed, but I could feel my cheeks heating up. Hearing him say those words brought back so many flashbacks.

"I can't believe some people actually enjoy watching this." He shook his head.

"Why exactly are you watching it then?" I sighed. Sherlock Holmes was a very hard man to understand sometimes.

"Well... I figured if I'm to understand normal people more, I should watch whatever crap they fill their heads with." He explained.

His impression of people was all wrong. Not everyone liked watching cheesy gameshows. Not everyone dressed or acted a certain way. And yet he treats everything like an experiment, as if watching a few mainstream TV programmes was going to make him suddenly understand people.

"Sherlock, you're more normal than you think." I admitted, but I got no reaction from him. He'd certainly heard though.

A few hours later, John came back from visiting a friend in Lambeth, and almost immediately after his arrival, I left for my first shift at the pharmacy. I was quite opposed to working a late shift, but for the pay I just couldn't resist.

The hospital was a bit of a way from my flat but I decided to walk to cut costs. All I hoped for was good colleagues - in the jobs I've had in the past people have been quite competitive and envious of each other, which created an unwelcome environment. My manager seemed quite friendly in my interview though, so I was feeling optimistic.

After a 40 minute walk, I arrived at the intimidating, castle-like structure that was St Bartholomew's hospital, which was coincidentally where Sherlock and John's friend Molly Hooper worked. When I walked though the double doors, I was blown away by the modern touch that'd been given to an otherwise outdated building. The floors and walls looked so clean I could eat my dinner off them, the lighting in particular gave the hospital that extra shine.

I was greeted with a smile by a welcoming receptionist who's name was Joanna. She showed me the route to the pharmacy, but I was sure to get lost in the huge complex. Nevertheless, I tried to remember as much as I could and set off to my wing. Quite a few wrong turns later, I finally arrived at floor 4, section B, otherwise known as the pharmacy.

Upon arrival, I quickly spotted my duty manager behind the counter and waved at him to get his attention.

His eyes met mine and he shot a brief wave back before walking over to me.

"Leah! Nice to see you. You're early as well, a bonus."

I chuckled "It's a good thing I came so early, I got lost quite a few times."

"Don't worry." He replied "Took me months before I knew my way around here. Anyway, I'll introduce you to your supervisors who'll be aiding you today." I followed him through a small door which opened up into a decent-sized warehouse. There were shelves and shelves of various prescriptions, and lots of staff dotted around.

We walked along one of the passages and stopped at two workers - one holding a tablet and one high up on a stepladder. The male holding the tablet had dark skin and long black dreadlocks that were tied up in a bun. He also wore thin-framed glasses and a single stud earring. I couldn't make out the lady on the stepladder too well, but as she came down to greet us, I saw she had short red hair which I instantly adored, a small button nose and rosy lipstick. When our eyes locked her lips spread into a smile. My bisexual ass was in heaven.

"Leah, these are your supervisors Marcelle and Luan. They'll be showing you the ropes today." My manager David said.

Luan, once down from the stepladder, walked towards me and stuck out a hand. I shook it firmly and returned her smile.

"It's nice to meet you Leah." She said

"Nice to meet you." Marcelle repeated, but without a handshake.

"Ok, so. I'll leave you guys to it." David left the same way we'd come.

"Right. So. I think a quick tour is the most appropriate thing to do first." Marcelle suggested

"Sure, yeah."

He lead us through the warehouse and started describing everything. Luan used the opportunity to give me the names of some of my other co-workers.

"That's Trinity. She acts like she's all big and tough and has no emotions but deep down she's a real softie."

I glanced at Trinity, and she gave me a cold stare in return. She had a broad build, with large biceps and piercing black eyes.

To my left we passed another man. He was small and elderly, but something about him told me there was more to him than that.

"So, tell me more about yourself." Luan asked

"Well... What's there to tell? I was born in Somerset. Moved to London three weeks ago. Erm... I've had seven boyfriends--"

"Seven? You must be too good for them."

"Aww, you're too kind. But no, they were just useless dickheads."

"Preach it sister. All men are bad, which is why I'm lesbian."

I couldn't help but laugh "Oh, I'm actually bisexual, but I prefer dating men."

"Hmm, can't relate."

I loved Luan's personality already. She was so bubbly and approachable, combined with her looks. God, she was perfect.

"Do you mind saying you're looking smoking hot today?" She grinned

"Not in the slightest." Her grin spread to my face "By the way, I love your hair."

"Oh thanks! I never thought bangs would suite me actually."

"...and this is where we keep the-- are you even listening Leah?" Marcelle's voice suddenly changed from background noise to foreground noise.

"Honestly, no. But it's fine, I've worked at two hospitals similar to this one already."

"Still doesn't excuse you from listening to a vitally important tour."

"Just relax, Marce. It's her first day." Luan said

"You're only saying that cuz you have a crush on her."

"No I do not!" She denied, but snuck me a wink that made me giggle.

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