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Leah's POV

John held me tightly against his chest as we waited for the inevitable explosion. The sounds of cars and sirens in the distance all seemed like a blur. It was like we were the only two people on earth. As we waited a bit longer, there was no bang, no boom, not even a tiny pop.

"Why's nothing happening?" I asked, breaking the silence

"I- I don't know..." John's expression quickly lost tension, and now he looked puzzled.

The few people surrounding us mumbled amongst themselves, equally as confused as we were.

"I'm going to check on him." John began walking towards the flat

"John, no. It's too dangerous." I argued, and two police officers standing near me went to approach John to find out what he was doing.

"Sir, it's not safe to go any closer." The female police officer said.

"Well, the bomb was due to go off one minute ago, clearly something's happened."

"I still can't let you past, sir, not until bomb disposal arrive."

"That's my flat right there, and that's my friend sitting on the pressure gauge, putting his life on the line for all of us, so if you think you're going to stop me from finding out what's happening, you're wrong."

John marched off before the officers even had a chance to stop him.

"I'm his sister, I should follow him." I said, hurrying after John.

When we reached the front door, I could tell John was anxious, and almost nothing phases him, not even going to war.

He took a step into the hallway, but immediately went back.

"I can't do it, Leah, I just can't. What if the bomb was filled with toxins or something? What if he's already dead and his body's just lying there? I just can't face that, not again." In that moment, the strong, fearless man I've always known him to be crumbled before my very eyes. Now there were tears streaming from his eyes, actual tears, all because of his best friend. Even I was beginning to feel emotional.

"Oh, John." I hugged him briefly but tightly "It's gonna be ok, it's all gonna be ok. We'll go in together."

He took a deep breath and nodded, before we entered the flat, hands held and stomachs in mouths.

As we approached the flat, we heard footsteps above us.

"It was a dud, a bloody dud. How could I have been so naive?! I can't believe it? It's so obvious now. My emotions must've clouded my judgment. I should've see this coming."

A tsunami of relief washed over the both of us, as we saw a very much alive Sherlock

"Oh hello John, Leah. Deary me, have you been crying?"

John didn't even say a word, he just leapt towards Sherlock and hugged him tightly.

"Ok, so we're hugging now, great." Sherlock said uncomfortably.

"You prick, I thought you were dead." John sniffed and wiped his eyes

"Yes, well, I thought I would be too, until I realised our bomb here was a fake."

"So- so you were ready to die, just like that, to save me, a person you barely know?" I stuttered

"Well, you're John's sister, and I know his family means the world to him. As his friend I could never let him go through that."

"Wow, that's the most heartfelt thing you've ever said." John gasped

"Anyway, enough of this sentimental stuff. I'm alive, I think that's fully established now. Let's just focus on figuring out who the hell would do this."

John walked over to the bomb, his eyes widening as he saw the electronic timer.

"Sherlock, you need to see this..." He said

"What is it- oh... no... it-it can't be..."

"Maybe it stands for something else?"

"No... this is- this doesn't make sense."

My eyes flickered between them both "Will someone explain what's going on?"

"The perpetrator left a little message." John indicated the screen, and I walked over to check it out

"Miss me... again? - JM... what does that mean?"

"It doesn't mean it's him." John said to Sherlock "Maybe this is another of his elaborate schemes that he left after he died."

"No. I played his game, and I won. I won..."

"Hello? Am I invisible or something?"

"JM stands for Jim Moriarty." John finally explained, and when he did, I was only more confused.

"Moriarty? I thought he died years ago."

"Clearly not," John sighed, then he glanced over at Sherlock "Sh-Sherlock? Are you ok?"

Sherlock looked as white as a sheet. All the colour had drained from his face.

"Sherlock?" I repeated

"Both of you out, I need to think..." He said worridley.

"But you don't look too good-"

"I said out. Now. And tell the police to get out too, I can tell they're going to burst in here any moment now."

Me and John exchanged glances as Sherlock stared at the wall like he did when he was thinking.

Is he ok? I mouthed

John shrugged his shoulders.

Following his orders, we left the room without a word, and just like he'd said, two police officers were stood at the top of the first flight of stairs.

"I'm gonna go take a nap in my flat, I think I need it." I said

"Ok, I'll deal with those two." John went over to the officers to inform them of what'd happened.

As I opened the door to my flat, I ran the last hour through my mind. It didn't even seem real. It just- it was the kind of thing you see in movies. I never thought for once it could happen to me. Maybe it was a sign that moving to London was a bad idea.

I flopped onto my sofa and let the soft foams swallow me up. I only closed my eyes for a second, and I was out like a light.


When I opened my eyes, my head felt like it was swimming. There was an annoying buzzing sound in my head, it was horrible. Maybe another side effect of the drug I'd been given earlier. But when I stood up, gosh it made it 10 times worse. I felt groggy and stiff. I stumbled back as the headache grinded into my temples.

I barely managed to stagger downstairs to the boys' flat - I was going to check on Sherlock particularly because he didn't seem to well earlier. It was the least I could do after he saved my life. Maybe he was just in shock.

I saw that their door was open slightly. Strange, I thought, John always insists on closing the door. I slipped through the gap and instantly gasped at when I saw Sherlock lying on the floor, a small needle lying next to him.

AN: Hi readers! So sorry for the (very) late update. I was on holiday last week and quite busy this week but I just about made time to write this. Sorry if there are any typos or anything I was typing quite quickly but I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to vote and comment as always. Ly x

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