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It took forever to organise the long-abandoned flat, however John had had some builders and cleaners come in to prior to my arrival to clear up the obvious damage, so it wasn't that bad. He'd even bought a few pieces of new furniture for me, but the stuff my parents had helped me buy wouldn't be arriving until the weekend. It wasn't until the sun had begun to set that I'd finished, but the relief of knowing I was done was invaluable.

I flopped onto the solitary sofa in the middle of the room and pulled out the novel I was reading. However, the tiresome work I'd done, combined with the oncoming darkness caused my eyes to flutter shut.


I awoke to the thud of distant footsteps and two voices having a go at each other. Two voices I recognised.

As the voices got closer, I began to make out what they were saying.

" don't tell a woman who's husband just died that he was having an affair!"

"Multiple affairs--"

"It doesn't bloody matter!"

"Well, she was going to find out sooner or later...

"Not necessarily,"

"...Besides, it might help her get over him quicker if she knew he didn't love her."

"For goodness sake, do you even have a heart?!"

"I don't know, maybe you should examine me, you are a doctor."

"And you're a psychopath."

"Sociopath, and doesn't it bother you that we've had this same argument about 15 times?"

I suddenly heard the door to their flat open and close, and the arguing continued, but it was more muffled. I decided it would be good to interrupt.

I knocked on the door firmly three times, and it was opened by John.

"Oh hi Leah, sorry about the arguing, Sherlock's being his usual, insensitive self." John greeted

I glanced over at Sherlock who was typing rapidly at his desk, and I caught him roll his eyes.

"Don't worry, you two are quite hilarious actually." I smiled  "You should have your own TV show."

"With the way John portrays us on his silly blog, we basically are in one." Sherlock remarked

"At least people actually read mine, unlike your website on the decomposition of the human body--"

"You have a blog?" I exclaimed

"Yeah..." John replied "Why is that such a shock?"

"I don't know, you just don't seem like the bloggy type."

"Well, initially it was a suggestion by my therapist years ago, but it gained publicity quickly so I just continued it."

"Wow. So, like, people think you're interesting?" I joked, and a small chuckle escaped from Sherlock's mouth.

"Ha ha, very funny." John frowned, walking into the clustered kitchen.

"Did you go shopping yesterday Sherlock?" He asked as he was about to open the fridge.

When he did, he gasped like he was about to have a heart attack

I went into the kitchen to find out what'd happened, and then I was shocked to see a full human head on a tray in the fridge.

"Sherlock, what have I told you about keeping people's heads in our fridge?!" John shouted

Wait, so this was a regular thing???

"And what have I told you?" Sherlock replied snidely.

John pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration "I don't give a crap what temperature it needs to be kept at, I've told you time and time again, our flat IS NOT A MORTUARY!!"

John's shout echoed though the room, bringing an uncomfortable silence, but Sherlock seemed unfazed nevertheless. He looked like he was in his own world, really.

Me? I was just inspecting the various wonders of their flat: the mantelpiece which displayed a real skull, and also had a pocket knife dug into it. The wallpaper which had a yellow smiley face spray painted onto it, it's eyes hollowed with what seemed like gunshot holes-

"Do you like it?" Sherlock noticed me inspecting the graffiti

"It's... inventive." I forced a smile

"I think it gives the wall a nice texture. If you want I can do the same to yours." he pulled out a semi-automatic Revolver from underneath a pile of papers.

"Lord of mercy..." I gasped and took a step back once I saw it.

"What is it-- oh, for Christ's sake Sherlock stop scaring her." John walked into the lounge area and snatched the gun from Sherlock's hand.

"She was just taking interest in the wall." Sherlock said as if oblivious to my panic.

"John why the fvcking hell does your flatmate have a gun?"

"He stole it from a guy who broke in here a few years ago."

"Am I the only one here who feels this isn't normal? I said anxiously. Some serious alarm bells were going off in my head right now.

"Well, it's normal for Sherlock." John admitted "Besides, it's not like he's going to kill someone with it."

Sherlock began to suppress a smirk

"I know what you're thinking, Sherlock, you cannot kill your brother,"

"I mean I wouldn't kill him... just immobilise him...."

Wa- Was I hearing this correctly?

"Leah, are you ok?" Sherlock turned to face me "You look very pale...."

"Yeah... I'm fine... I'm just trying to understand why my brother's flatmate is a homicidal psychopath."

"Sociopath." Sherlock and John corrected in unison.

"Him and his brother have a life long rivalry," John started giving the explanation I needed "But, errm... It seems like their feud has been escalating of recent..."

"Well, if it's any more exciting than you two's bickering, I would love to watch." I chuckled

"Oh God, look at the time, it's past John's bedtime." Sherlock announced as he checked his wristwatch.

"I don't even have the energy to reply you anymore..." John mumbled

"It is getting late, I best be off." I bid the boys goodbye before plodding up the stairs to my flat.

As I walked through my front door, I started to ponder my first impressions of Sherlock.. on one hand, he seemed like a bigot and creep. I mean, what kind of sane person just keeps a gun on their desk and a knife on their mantelpiece? Not to mention the full fvcking human head in the fridge... On he other hand, it seems like he has a really sweet, sensitive side that he just hides from people. He does also have a sense of humour, which I admire, because some men *cough cough* my ex *cough cough*, can't take a joke. And then there's the, um... physical side of him.....

Don't need to get into much detail about that, do I?

Whoever Sherlock is, however, there's one thing that I'm certain of-

He was going to be a handful...

Sleeping with a Sociopath | Sherlock x OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu