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His complexion was mesmerising.

The way his chocolate brown locks fell perfectly around his head, and his piercing blue eyes, and those cheekbones... don't get me started on those cheekbones...

At first, I thought I was staring at him, but then I realised he was staring at me. Studying me, more like. It was like he was looking into my soul and judging it. His stare was icy, like the ice blue colour of his pupils themselves, and it was making me very uncomfortable. I assumed this is what John was referring to earlier.

"Nice to meet you, Leah." Sherlock said quickly, before retreating back to the kitchen. He didn't even give me a chance to reply.

John gave me an apologetic look, before following Sherlock into the kitchen and disappearing behind the translucent screen. I could hear his voice scolding the detective, presumably because of his pathetic greeting.

"I'll leave you guys to settle." Mrs Hudson insisted, sensing the awkward situation. I nodded in reply and watched her leave the flat. Shortly after, Sherlock and John re-emerged from the kitchen.

"Sorry about my, erm... greeting. I'm Sherlock, although you probably already know that, and..."

John started making a weird hand gesture. This was hilarious.

"I- I would shake your hand," Sherlock stuttered "But, well- unless you want pig's urine on your hands--"

"Oh for goodness sake, that's the best you're gonna get out of him." John laughed

What on earth was he doing with pig's urine???

"I was only being honest." Sherlock explained "You know I'm against new people, especially her." He gives me an untrustworthy look.

I was slightly offended by that. This handsome nerd was also a prick.

"Just stop talking, ok?" John says as Sherlock checks a text message "Leah, do you wanna head down to the cafe now?"


"Hold that thought, Lestrade says he needs us at Trafalgar ASAP." Sherlock already started taking off his disposable gloves and placed them on the countertop.

"Ughh, now? Can't it wait?" John complained

"What part of ASAP do you not understand." Sherlock called out

"I'm really sorry Leah, it must be important. Maybe you could go with Mrs Hudson instead?"

"Sure, you go." I replied, and we all make our way downstairs. John makes sure I'm settled with Mrs Hudson in the cafe, before hurrying off to satisfy Sherlock's hastiness. Gosh, he was practically breathing down his neck.

I was disappointed that John was leaving already, but this is his work, as he's explained to me before, and I was also interested in chatting with Mrs Hudson. Plus, my stomach was growling.

I ordered a large helping of fish and chips, a dish that I realised remained the same throughout the country, and Mrs Hudson had a coffee.

"So, you come from Somerset do you? I hear it's nice there, nice beaches..."

"It's alright, certainly much more countryside than here. Though, I'm sure you've had your fair share of nice beaches. John was telling me about your exotic dancing in--"

"He told you about that?! I'm going to have a word with him when he gets back..." she blushes, taking another long sip of her coffee. I can't imagine her doing exotic dancing, she seems so innocent and kind-hearted, however, it must've been a few decades ago.

"Anyway, do you know whether John's had any relationships since..." I didn't even have to finish my sentence for Mrs Hudson to understand what I was referring to. His wife Mary had died many years ago, and his daughter Rosie was away at boarding school as he was unable to look after her due to his tight schedule. I felt so bad for him, he really did love her, and after she died something broke inside of him. Even mentioning her name to him, even after all these years, was a tear-jerker.

"No, unfortunately. But I'm sure he'll come out of his shell eventually." Mrs Hudson sighed

"Hopefully. And what about Sherlock?" I asked inquisitively. Too inquisitively.

"Oh, he's a strange man. He says he's "married to his work", but I'm not going to give up hope for him. Well, come to think of it, there was a woman many years ago... but they didn't work out..."

"Oh, how come?"

"She was a profesional blackmailer who made a living out of seducing her friends, then she faked her execution overseas, and now Sherlock won't tell us where she is."

"Wow." I gasped.

"They never really were a couple, but there was something about the way they looked at each other. Sherlock's never looked at anyone like that before." I began to consider the way Sherlock had looked at me. Those stone-cold eyes... I'd felt the temperature of the room drop.

"Y'know, when John and Sherlock first met each other, I thought they were a couple" Mrs Hudson added, "But after John started dating other women, I dismissed the thought. However, he could be one of those, y'know... bisexuals..."

One of those bisexuals? I was more than offended by the way she'd said that, being one myself. But, I can't really blame her, she was probably generations older than me.

"Bisexual? John? Trust me, he's the straightest person I know." I laughed

She gave me a puzzled look, before wiping it off her face. "You never know though, he's certainly one to watch." She chuckled, however I knew she didn't know what I'd meant.

My fish and chips were long gone now, and a small dry puddle of remaining coffee had formed in Mrs Hudson's mug, so we decided it was time to go.

"It was nice talking to you, Mrs Hudson." I smiled as we exited the cafe

"Same to you too." She replied "It's nice having an actual chat for once, all I get out of the boys are unwashed dishes and crowded countertops."

That made me laugh, and we continued talking and laughing about John and Sherlock in her flat for a while.

"Would you like me to help you set up your flat?" Mrs Hudson suggested out of the blue

"Oh, it's fine, you've already made me feel very welcome." I respond "Better be going anyway, thanks again."

I stood up from her small dining set and exit her flat. She watched me walk back up the stairs before finally closing her door. As I unlocked the door to my new flat, I was greeted by a mountain of unpacking to do.

"Great." I huffed

Sleeping with a Sociopath | Sherlock x OCWhere stories live. Discover now