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Sherlock's POV

I exited the building with John grumbling behind me. He was saying something about always being the one  having to run here and there, me dragging him to places or whatever. I just blocked him out like I do most of the time. I didn't need his whining clouding my thoughts. I was just excited about there being a murder, a real murder!! Can you imagine? After the dry spell we've been having recently, I feared that London was actually becoming a better place, with better people... But thankfully I was wrong.

As John lead me down Stepenson Way, I began contemplating the method of murder. Gunfire was the most likely in this area, but there's also stabbings. They're more effort though, the stab wound would have to be deep, or there must be multiple entrance wounds.

"Molly says she needs us at the lab." John said as he checked a text

"I'm sure it can wait." I replied "Are you sure it was a murder? The police don't normally give out sensitive information that easily."

"That's what I thought too, but the officer practically stopped me to tell me, I was in a rush to get back and have breakfast."

"He stopped you? That's odd." Warning bells started ringing in my brain. Why would the man be so insistent on telling John particularly? Unless...

"Wait, what? It was all here like a few minutes ago. They couldn't've packed it all up that quickly." John said as we arrived at what was supposed to be the crime scene.

Then the truth hit me like a smack in the face.

"John, something's seriously wrong."

"You think?"

"No, it was a fake. Someone wanted us out of the flat..."

"Why would they...?"

"Leah." We said in unison. We turned on our heels in an instant and bolted back to the flat. I was confused to why she would be targeted, or how the person knew she was there in the first place. We were probably being watched... I would see to that later. John was running much faster than me, surprisingly. It was a shock to see how fast his little legs could go.

On arrival to the flat, we saw that the front door lock had already been removed. I took a glance at the upstairs window, but the curtains were drawn, obviously.

John bounded up the stairs two at a time, turning a sharp corner at the banister. I noticed light scratches on the wallpaper of the staircase. Looks like our intruder had trouble climbing the narrow staircase. Must be quite brawly then.

"Sherlock, c'mon." John beckoned as I climbed the stairs carefully, analysing the environment for any other clues.

As we approached the top of the stairs, John raised a finger to his mouth, and slowly turned the corner...

Leah's POV

My heart was exploding in my chest. My abdomen was throbbing with pain from a punch I'd been hit with. My head was still buzzing from when I'd been drugged. Every move I made, every time I flinched, every shift of pressure on the chair, made the timer speed up. So that rendered me sitting statue-still, not daring to move a muscle. I'd thought of everything, every way possible to escape, but I had no way of knowing when the boys would be back. I can't believe that after being in London for three days, I'd met my death. The bomb would take out the whole building, if not more, and I still had no clue why I'd been targeted. All I could do was hope and pray that this wasn't it. This was not the way I wanted to go.

I was lost in thought when I thought I heard a pair of footsteps running up the stairs. A spark of hope flickered in my heart. Could it be? Could it really be...?

The footsteps slowed as they got closer to the door. I couldn't even breath. I couldn't even blink. Two men I instantly recognised appeared in the doorway. All the tension in my body rushed out. I burst into tears, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Oh Leah..." John gasped as he saw the tears stream down my face. He walked over to console me, but I immediately cautioned him.

"No, no, d-don't touch me." I stuttered "It's p-pressure sensitive."

"Are you you alright? Who did this to you?" John looked around the room and  in the kitchen to see that everything had been destroyed. Absolutely everything. They'd been incinerated by the Russian guy using this device I'd never even seen before.

Sherlock entered a few steps after John, and the minute he saw my predicament, gave me that same, studying look he'd done when I first met him. He then came closer to me and studied the bomb, then the pressure gauge I was sat on.

"So? Wha- How's she gonna get out? John said anxiously

I just continued sitting still, trying the supress the sob welling up in my throat.

"It's an electronic bomb, the explosives are contained inside a titanium casing, and the pressure gauge is undetattchable. I've got to say, very expertly made..." Sherlock described

"Course you say that. Anyway, can you disarm it?"

"No. Not from here at least. I need to reach something behind the chair. Leah, can you shift to the left? Don't worry, I'll counter you weight."

I shook my head vigourously, not trusting myself to speak. There was no way I was moving. This thing would take us all out and then some.

"Leah, trust me, it's the only way to get you out of this."

"Why sh-should I trust you? You've been a d!ck to me since the second I met you."

Sherlock sighed "I'm truly sorry Leah. I- this is my way of making it up to you. I'm sure saving your life is a sufficient apology."

I was still reluctant

"Leah, I trust he knows what he's doing." John attempted to persuade me "He's saved my life countless times, plus, we're running out of time." I carefully glanced to my right to check the timer, we had just under five minutes before, well... ka-boom.

"Ok, fine. But be very careful."

Sherlock nodded. It took quite a bit of co-ordination, but at last, Sherlock was my right side, and I was on the left.

"Ok, so now I can get a better look at the other side of this thing..." Sherlock suddenly shoved me off the chair and took my place.

"Sherlock, what-?!" I exclaimed as I fell.

"What are you doing?" John gasped. The timer sped up, but then slowed down again. We'd lost a minute, though.

"There's no way to disarm the bomb, it's too well made." Sherlock explained

Me and John exchange worried looks.

"But there must be another way..." John said "There always is.."

"Not this time," Sherlock sighed "But it's not up for debate. You two have three minutes to evacuate the neighbouring buildings, you need to hurry."

"Sherlock, I'm not leaving you like this, I'm not. I already lost you once-" John's voice broke, and I was close to tears.

"John, you need to go now, if you stand any chance of surviving." But John just wouldn't budge.

"I-I'll evacuate the buildings, if you guys want to be alone and say any, um... last words..." I dashed out of the flat and down the stairs, as tears trickled down my face. My whole body was numb, I could barely grasp the situation. It was only the adrenaline that stopped me from collapsing.

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