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  "Finally, it's about time we met, Sherlock Holmes...." The man said in a sly tone. He walked slowly towards us, the clip-clop of his low-heeled shoes echoing through the room.

"The pleasure's mine, Jacob." Sherlock replied

"Good, good. You know. That saves a lot of explanation... But did the initials - JM - did it make you doubt? Even just for a second? Can people really rise from the dead?" Jacob said theatrically.

"Please. Why don't you just cut to the chase and tell me what you want?"

"Why should I tell you, when you already know?" He chuckled

Both me and John looked at Sherlock expectantly. "You want to end me. Finish what you brother couldn't"

"That's right. Big brother always thought of me as second. The weaker one. The runt... This is my chance to prove him wrong. Put an end to Sherlock Holmes, once and for all."

In that moment, my heart sank. Like really, really sank. All for a guy I barely knew.

"You said you wanted to see all three of us?" John asked out of the blue

"Hmmm. John Watson..." Jacob grinned "Always a fiery spirit..." He walked right up to John, until they were merely inches apart. But John's stone-cold eyes didn't as much as blink.

"We're going to have a lot of fun, me and you..." Jacob continued "And Leah! Leah, Leah, Leah. Am I saying it right?" He turned towards me, and my heart rate instantly increased.

"Yeah.." I glared at him, unsure whether it was a rhetorical question or not.

He continued getting closer to me until, just like with John, we were inches apart. I could feel his sharp breath against my skin, but I was barely breathing. I couldn't stop my hand from trembling. My peripheral vision spotted Sherlock and John looking at us uncomfortably.

My eyes suddenly locked with Jacob's. His aqua irises stared deep into my soul.

"Aren't you a pretty one, Leah?" He said, but it was barely a whisper.

My cheeks turned tomato red. No-one's called me pretty in a while.

He pushed back a strand of my hair behind my ear, but the sensation of his skin against mine made me tense up.

"Get your filthy hands off me!" I slapped his hand away and I immediately heard the clocking of the Russian guy's gun as he reacted to my movement.

John made a move and made sure I was alright.

"Now now, Romanov. There'll be no need for that." He cautioned, rubbing his hand "You're a feisty one too. Like brother like sister it seems..."

"Just keep your hands off her." John defended me

"Listen, whatever you're planning, you leave John and Leah out of it... You understand?" Sherlock stated sternly

Jacob just laughed "Now, where's the fun in that? The more the merrier."

"You see Sherlock, if I wanted to kill you so badly, I could just go ahead, right here, right now." In an instant Jacob casually whipped out and clocked two semi-automatics from his belt buckle and pointed them towards Sherlock

"No!" John yelped, leaping in front of Sherlock and holding out his arm "Stop."

"It's ok John. If he wanted me dead I would be already."

"That's right. I could decorate these walls with your blood instantaneously. But no. Not today, at least.... Me and you have a lot in common, y'know." Jacob began circling Sherlock, Sherlock staring at him with caution. "We both live for the game. Breath for the game. Get off, the game. Without it, it's just no fun." He pouted in a baby-like way. It was quite strange to see how quickly his mood changed.

Sherlock heaved an impatient sigh "Are we done here?"

"Only I decide when we're done. But you're right, this is getting quite boring. And for some reason I feel like putting a bullet inside the girl's head." He pointed his gun towards me, and my heart did a somersault

"Stay away from her." John warned

"Or maybe her heart. Face is too pretty to ruin."

"You heard what I said before." Sherlock repeated "Leave. The girl. Out of it."

My eyes darted everywhere. I resisted the urge to let out a squeal. Two near-death experiences in the last two days is two too many.

"Fine fine. Gosh I was only joking." Jacob finally re-holstered his gun "I need you alive anyway, for the time being."

"You're sick, y'know." I spat

"Hmm. Yes... Mummy and Daddy did always say me and brother were an odd bunch... But anyway, since we've gotten aquatinted with each other, I think it's best you leave. Romanov, if you would please."

I suddenly felt a sharp prick in the back of my neck, and as I reached to rub it, I pulled out a small dart. Sherlock and John both did the exact same, and all of a sudden my head started swimming, and my legs buckled.


I awoke slowly to the sound of elegant violin music, each note seemed to drift me further and further away from reality. I didn't want to open my eyes, it was so beautiful, so hypnotising. For a second I even thought 'am I in heaven?', but then I realised it was just Sherlock. He was stood at the window with a music stand in front of him.

"Oh, I didn't know you played violin.." I said as I peeled myself off his couch.

He stopped playing and turned to face me "Yeah, my sister taught me years back. Helps me think."

As I stood up, my head immediately began throbbing just like it'd done yesterday.

"How are you not hurting." I moaned as I rubbed the back of my head

"Cocaine. You should try it." He smirked "But just take it easy. Twice in two days can't be good for you."

"Tell me about it." I soon realized that for the first time I was having a real conversation with Sherlock. And he hadn't even insulted me. Not once!

My head pounded and pounded as I entered the kitchen. The counter top was yet again decorated with various lab equipment, but I ignored the mess and popped two penicillin tablets in my mouth before washing it down with some water. At least it was some sort of drug I guess.

I was about to head back to my flat when I sensed a hollowness in my body. There was something definitely missing...

Food. That's it, I needed food.

"Sherlock, where's John?" I asked

As if the universe had heard me, John suddenly appeared from his bedroom.

"Leah, how are you feeling?" He said with a yawn. The bags underneath his eyes and the way he dragged his feet showed that he'd just woken up too.

"Like shit. How about you?"

"I feel like my head is being jack hammered. And I've had my fair share of tranq darts."

My stomach growled ferociously, and I remembered the absence of food from my stomach. Then it made me wonder, does Sherlock even eat? I've never actually seen him eat...

"John, please tell me you have food." I pleaded.

"I can whip up a spag bol."

"Please, that would be amazing."

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