"I am well, Seunghyeon. How are you? You're looking as pretty as ever," she said and picked up the hefty jar by her feet with a groan. She bounced it on her knee before waddling in with it on her hip.

"Uh, I'm good." Seunghyeon chuckled sheepishly before stepping forward. "Let me carry that," he said, the fragrance of the homemade kimchi hit him, and his stomach grumbled.

"No, nonsense," she said, swatting his arms away. Seunghyeon bit his tongue as he led her inside, one eye on the jar. "You didn't have to make so much, you know. It's so much work."

"Most of this is for Taeyong and the baby," she said and placed it down on the ledge. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips with a huff. "Kimchi is good for pregnancy," she said and wiped the back of her hand over her forehead. "Can I get some water before I go?"

Seunghyeon nodded. "Of course," he said and kicked off his slippers as he stepped up and headed inside. If he had a dollar for every time someone said something was good for pregnancy, he'd be a millionaire.

He filled up a glass in the kitchen and padded back over, handing it to her. He sat down, the kimchi jar between them, drumming his fingers against the lid.

"Wah, I can't believe Taeyong is pregnant," she said, smiling to herself. "I remember when he was born. Right in this very house!" She fondly shook her head. "Wah, now look at where he is. In a big skyscraper in Seoul."

Seunghyeon nodded his head politely. "Yes, it is crazy how time flies," he hummed, picking at the rim of the lid. Soon it will be his.

She nodded. "Yes. And soon it'll be your turn."

Seunghyeon jerked his head up, blinking. "Excuse me?"

With a laugh, she patted Seunghyeon's knee. "Don't act surprised. Soon you'll find a good alpha and settle down," she said and pulled back. "Maybe you'll get lucky like Taeyong and catch yourself a rich one."

Seunghyeon shifted, dragging his palm over where she touched. "I don't know," he said and glanced away. "I'm not looking–"

"–Well, here you're not," she said. "Daehyun is an exception. No other alphas are passing through this town." She shook her head and tsked. "You shouldn't be spending your time in this town full of betas. You should've stayed back in Seoul to look."

"What's wrong with betas?" Seunghyeon asked, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. His dating life was none of her business. Besides, why was she hating on betas when she was one too?

"Awe, Seunghyeon," she said, her tone tender, but made Seunghyeon clench his jaw. "Omegas and betas shouldn't mix. Do you remember how much your parents struggled with you three? They had no clue how to raise omegas."

"Yet, we turned out fine," Seunghyeon snapped.

Pressing her lips into a tight line, she stood up and placed the glass down. "I should get going. The sun will go down soon."

"Yes, I think that's for the best," Seunghyeon said, ignoring the sun directly above them. He led her to the gate, taking a deep breath through his nose as he closed it behind her.

She took a step forward before turning around. "Your parents didn't work so hard to leave this town, just so you could marry someone mediocre."

Seunghyeon gaped, staring at her back as she walked away. Snapping his jaw shut, his pheromones burst out in metallic anger. He spun on his heels and stomped back to the house. "Bitch."

He halted in the middle of the courtyard and took a deep breath before fishing his phone out of his pocket. "Hey Sunny are you–"

Seunghyeon read the message over and his chest squeezed

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Seunghyeon read the message over and his chest squeezed. Running his fingers through his hair, he sighed. He probably got booted out of the bathroom and had to end the call. 

Seunghyeon gnawed at his bottom lip as the three dots appeared at the bottom of the screen as Kwangsun typed

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Seunghyeon gnawed at his bottom lip as the three dots appeared at the bottom of the screen as Kwangsun typed.

Seunghyeon gnawed at his bottom lip as the three dots appeared at the bottom of the screen as Kwangsun typed

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

 Seunghyeon chuckled and fondly shook his head. Kwangsun had a surprisingly good ear. He paused, squinting his eyes. How much of that did Kwangsun hear?

With a tsk, Seunghyeon shook his head. "Forget it," he muttered. He tucked his phone away and carefully picked up the kimchi jar, carrying it into the kitchen.

It wasn't like he would have heard anything important.

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