Chapter 5

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Just after you profess your love, Jugyeong calls Seojun and he runs out without giving you an answer.. You feel even more in the dark now about your relationship... But the big talent show is coming up so you must focus on your solo .

You twist and turn your body to the beat of the movement. You mentally kick yourself each time you make a mistake, and that seems to be happening a lot today. Your mind just can't think!! You are so embarrassed that you made a move on Seojun like that... and no less with Jugyeong Lim! How could you ever compete with her? You see her on social media all the time with millions of likes. Your brain taunts you:

Your pronouns are she... not her... CUZ U COULD NEVER BE HER.

Sighing, you stop the music and resign to the floor

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Sighing, you stop the music and resign to the floor. You have given in and realised that all your practise would be in vain if all you could think about was se0jUN fucking HAN (so hot ahhhhh that bodyyyyodyody!) and not your solo. You knew better to think about boys and let it distract from your career. Especially because your debut was on the line here! But your head is cloudy and everything is like a blur. You feel dizzy as you try to stand up. 'Not again' you think to yourself. You just remember you had forgotten to drink any water today and you fall to the ground with everything blacking out.

(you on the ground>>)

(you on the ground>>)

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Vael Ryle (your ex) was a bad boyfriend. He hit you when he was angry and then apologised after. He made you think only of him and made you feel selfish if you talked about yourself. When you wanted to audition for a dance show because you thought you could make it, he told you you were never good enough and hit your legs until he was satisfied you couldn't audition anymore. You were in the hospital for a week and missed the auditions. But, when he was in a good mood, he treated you so well. He bought you meals and you used to watch movies together every Friday night. You didn't know why you loved him so much, but you just did even though he didn't support you. When your friend gave you an invitation to join the HANJIPYEONG agency one day, you didn't want to tell him. You felt so guilty going to the agency and when you danced, all you could think about was him. Luckily, your friend stood up for you and you got it. But since then you promised yourself never to let boys distract you from dancing again!! SO WHY IS HAN SEOJUN ON YOUR MIND/?!?!?!?!??


You are jerked suddenly... "J-jennie/??! What's going on?" She passes you a bottle of water. You nod with gratitude and take it. She just knows you so well. However, her expression is still grave. "The manager wants you in his office.. now."

-- end of chapter 5--

Thanks for reading!! And THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Next update will be on tomorrow!

Find out what happens next... YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!



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