Chapter 1

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The music draws to a close as you lift your arms swiftly into the ending pose. For a fleeting moment you hesitate, scrutinizing the girl staring back at you in the mirror. Long, black hair rolls down her shoulders, hazelnut brown eyes wide with hope. You think back to when you first started training, before the thousand long arduous hours of training, and realise how far you have come. In one months' time you would have debuted, and suddenly the magnitude of it dawns on you. Your emotions are a blurry haze mixed with apprehension and anticipation, you cannot discern which one. The competition will be your first public appearance...everything you have worked for leads up to that moment. How will the public react? How will everything play out? Will the people like the song?

You break out of the daze, sighing. You run your hand through your hair as you make your way towards the practice room door, picking up your phone and drink bottle at the door. Your best friend, Jennie, has just sent you a message:

How's your practice going? I'm so excited for your debut. fighting!!!!

Also, let's meet up sometime next week - it's been a while.

You expression melts into a smile, and you quickly type:

Thanks, I heard you are now an ambassador for Chanel..congratulations! Next week sounds perfect for me~

You are about to leave the building when you hear a quiet whimper coming from the other practice room. Should you check if the person is alright or should you leave for home to finish watching your drama Fake Beauty? You decide to take a look.

The door is slightly ajar before you push it open. You jump back slightly in shock. Leaning against the wall is your fellow trainee, Seojun, his face buried in his hands on his lap. You haven't interacted much with him, other than the occasional greeting or congratulations, but you have heard other junior trainees fangirling. When he hears you entering, he looks up. He quickly wipes his glossy eyes, as if trying to erase any proof of him crying.

"Oh sorry, were you going to use the practice room? I'll leave right now."

"Oh no, it's fine...I just heard someone in here and was wondering if you were alright...are you ok? ...Can I help you with anything? If it's about your comeback, don't worry. We're all in this together!" You slowly sit down next to him as you listen to him talk.

"'s just." He looks torn as to whether he should continue. You nod, encouraging him on. "There was just this girl Jugyeong that I liked...but then we recently broke up."

He stares at you for a moment then turns away, trying to hide the tears that are beginning to form in his eyes again.

You lightly turn him to face you again and smile softly, replying: "It's ok.. You won't feel this way forever and it's ok to be sad. If you ever need someone to talk to...I'll be here...Hey, how about this: let's go to the karaoke, get some drinks and have some fun tonight. I'm sure you'll be feeling better after this."

He nods slowly, standing up.

"Alright...thanks, I really appreciate it. Um....y/ that right?"

"'s go have some fun!"

-- end of chapter 1 --

Thanks for reading!! And THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Next update will be on Monday!

Find out what happens next... YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT!.



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