Chapter Thirteen: Three Little Words

Start from the beginning

"Nope." Sirius stopped her. "To all of us it is a normal monday, nothing special,"

Aries sighed, defeated. "Fine." she muttered.


Aries spent the majority of Potions trying to think of a way of having a small celebration without it seeming like it was for Peter's birthday.

"Okay class, pack up your work." Professor Slughorn said, as everyone put away their stuff.

"You still thinking about a surprise party?" Benjy asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

She shook her head. "No, I don't want him to get pissed,"

"What kind of person doesn't celebrate their birthdays? Air, that's a red flag, no normal person doesn't celebrate their birthday." Dorcas said, as the three walked down the corridor to their next class. "We should still have a party, I want to get drunk!"

"You were drunk on the weekend." Benjy laughed, rolling his eyes. "Which was yesterday."

"Okay? You say that like it's a problem."

"Yeah, you always eat my food when you're drunk. You stole my cake,"


"I have an idea." Aries said, "Please cover for me during lesson, tell McGonagall I'm in the hospital wing." she ran back down the corridor.

"With what? I'm gonna tell her you've got dragon pox!" Benjy shouted.

Aries made her way down to the basement, she stopped in front of the fruit bowl portrait and tickled the pear. As she entered only one houself was there, she looked up at Aries with her bright blue eyes gleaming.

"I am the Jibby!"

"Hello... Jibby. I'm Aries."

"Miss Aries! What can the Jibby do for you?"

Aries looked around the vacant kitchen, wondering where she should start. "Umm, I want to make a cake."

"Cake! The Jibby loves cake. Would you like the berries of the straw cake or hard cocoa out of the bean?"

"You mean strawberry or chocolate?"

"The Jibby is correct."

Aries nodded unconvinced. "Yes." she looked around, remembering what Peter did the last time they were here. She walked down to the cupboards picking out flour, eggs, and cocoa powder.

"Miss is making hard cocoa out of the bean cake?" Jibby asked. "The Jibby can help!

"Okay, Jibby. Where do we start?" Aries asked, looking at the house elf who stared back.

"The Jibby has never made cake Miss Aries, the Jibby only washes dishes, Miss Aries. All the other elves have gone away today, Miss Aries."

Aries nodded and sighed, "Okay, let's try and figure this out together."


Aries realised quickly that she shouldn't have started- well more like attempted to make a cake. She was head to toe covered in flour, eggs and other stuff she didn't even think went into a cake but Jibby kept handing her ingredients.

As she mixed the lumpy mixture she knew that it was never going to work.

"I think this might be a mistake, Jibby." Aries said, as she watched the elf pour in a bag of sugar.

"The Jibby watched Zolsy the House elf make cakes like this." she replied, mixing it in then pouring into a baking tray. "I am the Jibby is good at making cakes.

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