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"Go on. Talk! You haven't said anything since we saw them yesterday!" Lia said to the leader after dragging him to her room

Out of everyone, she was the only one to notice Samael who had not reacted normally. While all of them had bawled their eyes out and expressed how much they felt bad for Kai and Blake.

But Samael remained the same old him. As if he didn't care.

"What do you want me to say?" Samael stated coldly.

"Really?! You can't even show any emotion right now? Who cares if you're a leader?! Isn't showing that you care is more appropriate right now?!" Lia said to him in a frustrated manner but the way Samael looks down at her with no changes made her even more frustrated.

"Whether I care or not. It will not help them. None of us can." He said bluntly which made Lia scoff right away.

"Yes they are hurt! They are in pain! But did you seriously think it would make a difference if I cry in front of them like y'all did?!" He added as his tone became heavier by seconds. He looks angry and that's probably the first solid emotion he had shown today.

Samael suddenly chuckled. But the way he looked at Lia suddenly felt so uncomfortable. He suddenly looked like a total stranger with that look he's giving her.

"I know what you're thinking!" He said.

"That I should be acting the same as Yohan because I am the leader... But had it crossed your mind that Yohan and I are different!" Samael said again. Staring hard at the girl as if it wasn't enough to make her shrink under his piercing gaze.

"You know no sh*t about me. And my actions nor my emotions do not need to concern you."

"Because if I show them. You have no idea what it will be like for me! What I am about to lose."

"And it's not simply my position that will be at stake Lia."

"Showing vulnerability will rip me off my authority to protect any of you."

And with that. Samael bolted out of her room, slamming the door closed. Jamie was on her way to call them but bumped onto Samael and noticed his furious expression.

Jamie became curious so she attempted to follow Samael. But the guy was quick to reach the garage and drove away.

Confused. Jamie ran back to the kitchen and told Yohan about their leader's strange behavior. But before they can talk about it further. Tim and the other two came running from Samael's room. Smelling the sweet aroma of their breakfast.

The couple gladly fed the three boys. While constantly looking at each other. A few more minutes and Jamie saw Lia running down the stairs and looked ready to leave.

Jamie immediately ran to her. Making sure to not cause unnecessary attention from the three youngest.

"Where are you going?" Jamie asked quietly after grabbing Lia by her wrist.

She was surprised to see the girl crying.

"I-I need to talk to him... I didn't mean to offend him or hurt his feelings!" She said quietly while wiping her tears and went to their garage with Jamie following her.

"What the hell happened?!" She asked but Lia just drove away without even answering her.

Lia took Samael's motorcycle with her and eventually left. Jamie went back inside and told Yohan about it.

DOLC DIBOES II: New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now