ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 77

225 18 3

.... warning...

This chapter would be a bit sensitive and might trigger a very sensitive topic. If you're not too comfortable with it. Feel free to ignore the chapter.


There aren't as many Cold Bodies in the headquarters anymore compared to earlier. Many had gone through their own businesses while others stayed just to kill time or prepare for a late night patrol.

The Cold Bodies in the dressing room are busy in each of their own conversations. DISTRICT 7 mixed among each other. Conversing like ranking does not exist.

But everyone was interrupted when Kai suddenly bolted out of the room. His eyes were pooling with tears and entire face was stained with a crimson hue. The fabric on his shoulder looked obviously ripped and they could only guess who did it.

The boy was attempting to reach for the exit door to escape. But the cold bodies knew better. They stopped him until Hyungsik came with a blood shot on his mouth and a fresh bruise on his forehead.

"Hyungsik you got yourself kicked by a kid!" One of the men said, charging a playful laugh from the others.

"Sir. Gabrielle would not be happy to hear this!" Another one said.

Hyungsik just gave them all a cold glare before he darted his gaze at the boy who had run away from him in the middle of their "lesson".

"We're not done yet kid!" He said with gritted teeth and harshly grabbed Kai by his nape. Dragging him back to the room.

The boy could only wail and cry for help. Despite being aware of no one helping him. Since then, the atmosphere became heavier than expected. And it hasn't been ten minutes yet when Blake was next to make a ruckus.

Though not as pitiful as Kai. Because Blake really had the guts to push Seojun with all his might after having more than enough of what the man was doing to him.

The crowd boomed with cheer while Blake attempted to beat up the man who harassed him and crossed his limits. He didn't care who he was. Because to him, nothing makes sense anymore.

He felt broken.

Seojun managed to catch Blake's fist and changed their position. Making himself on top of the boy. The men cheered for him in an instant.

Blake felt a hand snake underneath his top. Groping his skin effortlessly. He does hate everything that's happening indeed. But he couldn't hate himself more for not being able to control his own body reacting to all the touches.

Blake let out a sinful sound that only fueled the crowd's cheer. He could vividly see a few of them capturing the moment. Blake's sight blurred with tears. He tried to fight and escape. But the man on top of him is beyond stronger than he is.

"Listen kid! Completing the mission is way better than failing it!" Seojun whispered to his ears. His hands were still busy groping him."Because if you fail tonight. You'll be one of our stars for tomorrow's arcade!"

Blake screamed out everything his voice could take. The touches and all made him feel numb but feels everything somehow. It totally disgraced his entire self. He felt a surge of mixed emotions. A sea of fear if he opens his eyes once again. He'll see the demons that are feasting on him like he's some piece of meat.

DOLC DIBOES II: New GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now