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Right after classes. Rue and Yuna are sent back home by their chauffeur. If only Karen and Luna weren't absent for a few days. They would've gone to malls and amusement parks for fun. But the two said that they had an urgent matter at the same time outside the city which they claim as a coincidence.

The siblings stayed in their living room while watching the news.

The news is all about the city tripling down the security due to some investigation. And also to make sure that less criminals will enter the city now that there are heirs in the city that could be a possible target.

Rue and Yuna aren't surprised to see their faces on the news at all since they're both about to inherit the Maximoff Industries one day.

The next news happened to be about a man being murdered in his home. A man named Kim Myungsoo.

The girls somehow felt that the name sounds familiar. But ignored it anyway when an interesting news about foods and fashion finally appeared on tv.

"This is so boring! I want to do something fun! I feel like I'm just wasting time here!" Yuna suddenly raved and stood up from the couch.

She was on her way back to her room when she saw Llanis' car through the window parking outside. They're home already.

Llanis and Kessie walked out of the car while the valet guy parked it in their garage. The couple walked in the house. Their faces looked serious as always.

Yuna hid behind the thick curtains of the window when she saw the two approaching. The sooner they passed by her, Yuna carefully followed them to Llanis' office without being noticed.

"What did Tyrone say about it?" Kessie asked in a frustrated tone.

"Nothing. But I'm pretty sure Kenzie and Phoenix are already checking their backgrounds!" Llanis replied while Kessie removed his coat for him and hung it on the back of his swivel chair.

"I'm glad she didn't kill that man! Otherwise we'll be in big trouble!" Kessie said.

"Well! Whether she killed him or not! They will still come for her. It's a good thing that none have seen their faces because it's dark!"

"When will they return here? I think they'll be safer if they're here. We can protect them in our territory well enough!"

"I heard they're gonna execute the mission today and go back by nightfall! After all, their three youngest got clueless missions here so they need to be back as soon as possible!"

Yuna frowned. Not understanding a thing except for an attempted murder.

What are they talking about?

What is happening?

"It's not the children that should worry them. My brother just told me that the OPIUM seems to be taunting for another attack."

"If an attack happens without Kai here. That would mean that the attack won't be here. Because they will follow him wherever he goes."

Yuna couldn't bear to hear it anymore. She immediately went back to the living room and casually dragged her confused sister with her to their room.

Yuna told her everything she heard but Rue didn't believe her. So the two went to the office together and eavesdropped on the private conversation.

However this time. Llanis is on a phone call with someone who sounds a little familiar.

Note that Rue and Yuna do not know that their uncle and aunt are both part of Cold Bodies. Even the WATCHERS who they think of as uncles and business partners.

"Yes. So I heard. I don't think we should be worried about them for now. We still need to deal with the OPIUM!"

"Exactly. And once they return. Another mission was prepared for them. But I've already decided to give it to them once we see what OPIUM will show this city next."

"What kind of mission?"

"They're going to join us to go underneath the city to check the bomb. We'll have a meeting tonight with the kids after sundown. I'll tell the rest about it so we can discuss the plan thoroughly."

And with that. The call ended.

Yuna and Rue looked at each other having a small hunch of what their conversation was about. But first. The two dashed back to their room and once they're sure that nobody else is there except the two of them...

"What the hell was that about?!" Rue whisper yelled at Yuna.

"I have no idea! But I'm sure as hell that this isn't just about mere business!" Yuna whispered back and chuckled sarcastically.

"I think! Those two aren't telling us something!" Rue said as she sat down on the edge of their bed.

"Should we ask them about it?" Yuna asked. A bit nervous though since the conversation they eavesdropped seems to be very private.

"I don't know. But maybe we should wait for them to tell us something! After all! We're both inheriting Maximoff Industries. By the time that happens, we probably already know even the dirtiest secrets of our company!" Rue explained.

She too was nervous. The city itself is famous for crimes and illegal business. Especially Cold Bodies that are the very pride of the city.

It could be possible that Llanis and Kessie may be one of them. One of the first possible reasons as to how the Maximoff Industries are very big and very successful.

"You're thinking what I'm thinking right?" Yuna asked her sister and Rue looked at her with a furious expression.

"Of course. But let's still hope for positive news. I'm pretty sure if it's really as bad as we think. They won't let us know at any cost." She said.

"But what if they're really a Cold Body!? Do we have to be like them too?!" Yuna asked with a worried voice. "I don't think I can even see myself slitting someone else's throat for money! That's so wretched!"

"Just stop thinking about it! Forget we heard that conversation at all! We can just worry about that once our deductions are proven right!" Rue scolded her as she glared down at her little sister.

Yuna scoffed and exited their room. Making her way to the kitchen and ransacking the fridge to find any dessert to eat.

I knew something would go wrong at some point! I should have never forgotten that this is DDC!

The city of Hell!

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