Chapter 4: I Can't Let Him Take Kreek

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KreekCraft's POV
I spent the last few days at Rachael's place, but I don't really feel a connection with her. I don't want to break her heart but... I don't know what to do. While I was sitting at the kitchen table I got a texted from MiniToon. "Hey Kreek, at what time are you coming back" MiniToon asked. "Around 12pm" I responded. I then sighed thinking about how to break the news to Rachael. "Good morning Kreek" Rachael said happily. "Oh hey" I said in a sad voice. "What's wrong" She asked. "Look, we need to talk..." I said. "Wait!!! please don't tell me that you are going to break up with me" Rachael said as she started sobbing. After seeing her crying breaks my heart. We been friends for years, I don't like to see her cry. But I can't just change how a feel.....but I wish I could. "I am sorry Rachael, I just don't feel the connection" I said while hugging her. "Oh, I understand that you don't love me" Rachael said while sobbing even more. I don't know if she is trying to make me feel guilty, but if she was she's doing a great job at it. "Rachael calm down, please I don't like seeing you cry" I said. "Can you please just give me another chance" Rachael asked. I felt really bad so I gave her another chance. "She then hugged me really tight and thanked me for giving her another chance.
Rachael's POV
I thanked Kreek for giving me another chance. After that we ate breakfast and then watched tv. I needed to go use the bathroom, so I went to the bathroom. As I was walking to the bathroom I noticed Kreek's phone. Someone texted him, so I checked it. It said "Kreek since you are coming back around 12 is there anything you want to eat, so I can make it for lunch" the person asked. I thought the text message was suspicious, so I took the phone with me to the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom I went to check who texted him the message. When I went to check I realized it was MiniToon. I got a bit angry. A lot of people ship MiniToon and Kreek together, and I don't want that to affect my relationship with Kreek. I could tell that MiniToon likes Kreek so I got a bit nervous. Wait what if MiniToon is trying to steal Kreek away from me!!! I then did my business in the bathroom. I then went to the couch, where Kreek was sitting at. I asked him "How do I make you love me?" Kreek then responded "I don't know.... It just happens you know." "But there has to be one thing that makes you love someone" I said. "There is one thing..." Kreek said. "Then what is it" I asked in a sorta panicked voice. "A big and strong heart of passion for something and someone" Kreek said. It looked like he was thinking about something while saying that. I then kissed Kreek on his forehead. Kreek then Looked at the time and said that he needed to go. He gave me a kiss good bye and left. As he was about to leave I gave him his phone. I told him that he left it on the kitchen table, so I didn't look suspicious. Kreek then left the house. I am still scared thinking of the fact that MiniToon might steal Kreek away from me.
MiniToon's POV
In about one hour it will be 12. I was bored, so I decided to work on Piggy. After an hour later I heard someone knocking at my door. When I opened it I saw Kreek. "Hey MiniToon" Kreek said. "Hel- er I mean Ahoy" I said. "Ha you were about to say hello" Kreek said while laughing at me. Kreek then entered my house and we talked. As we were talking Kreek was getting messages from his girlfriend nonstop. I was kinda getting annoyed by all the messages. I then told Kreek that I am going to get some water. I went to the kitchen and got some water. When I went back to the living room I saw Kreek on the phone. I asked Kreek "Who are you talking to." "My girlfriend, why" Kreek said. "Just curious" I responded. Ugh, when Kreek finally came back after a few days, Rachael has to text and call him nonstop. I just want to spend time with Kreek, but now I can't.
Rachael's POV
I been texting and calling Kreek nonstop. I want to make sure that the only person he is paying attention to is me and not MiniToon. After we talked for like 3 hours on the phone he said that he needed to go. We said our goodbyes. I tried to think of a plan that will make Kreek completely mine. Just when I thought I lost hope I thought of an idea. As I was about to sort out the plan, someone knocked at my door. When I opened the door I saw a kid. "What's up baby mama" the kid said. "Timmeh is that you" I asked. "Yes that's me" Timmeh said. "Why are you here" I asked. I never saw Timmeh in Canada before. "Well I am here to get revenge on Kreek" he said while laughing. "Why exactly" I asked. "Kreek forgot to give me my robux that I won" Timmeh responded. "That's the only reason" I said. "Nope, he also hit me in the head with a frying pan... that's my job" Timmeh said. As Timmeh was talking about a plan to get revenge on Kreek, I thought about how Timmeh can help me with my own plan. "Rachael do you know where Kreek was staying at" he asked. I then told Timmeh where Kreek was staying at. As Timmeh was about to go I asked him if he could do me a favor. "Sure, but what is it" Timmeh asked. "I'll tell you later" I said. Timmeh then left off to go find Kreek. I then closed the door with a smirk on my face. I know just the plan to make sure that Kreek will only be mine.

(Sorry for not updating this book in awhile. School started and I have a lot of homework. God I never thought middle school would be this hard. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Also you guys should go check out JesusValdez525  they made some amazing books.)

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