Chapter 28

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They all sat while he read it,
"If you find this letter , this means that the secret that I hid from all of you has finally been revealed, but unfortunately none of us will be alive , I was hoping to be able to convince her to return to our family and present her to you , But being cursed changed all my plans.
I wanted to tell you that I have a younger sister whom no one knows anything about , My father had an affair with another woman And she gave birth to a girl, Immediately after she was born he brought her to the palace , He didn't want her to be raised away from the royal family , I was then in 14 years old , but I loved her very much, she was kind and gentle and we lived happily until she was 16 years old. 
My father decided to marry her to a person from a royal family, but she refused, and because I was close to her, I discovered that she was in love with someone, and I tried to persuade her to introduce him to my father and  he wouldn't refuse her relationship with him, but she said that he would not understand this because he was different from us , I did not understand the meaning of that he was different until I saw him one day after I sneakily followed her , When she saw me, she couldn't do anything but introduce me to him and promised her to keep her secret.

He is  the nicest person I met , he had great magical powers, I don't know why my father would reject him?! .
She continued to refuse the marriage request, and my father was going to force her to marry him, but he unfortunately discovered her relationship with that man and that she was pregnant .
It was a difficult situation , It was not possible to complete the marriage, so my father decided to make my middle sister marry that man and the marriage took place.
  He imprisoned my little sister , He never accepted to have a relationship with someone other than royal  , She tried to escape several times without success and her body was weak and because of her bad psychology, she lost the child  she was carrying , She couldn't stand this and went into depression, that was a man communicating with me And he collapsed when he found out about the loss of his child.

He was angry, but what he cared about was getting her out of there , I understood his anger , I was pregnant at the time with Nozel , I imagined for a moment what would happen to me if I lost him, so I helped her without anyone knowing , and she managed to escape from the palace with that man and disappear  Without anyone finding a trace of her,

my father spread a rumor that she contracted an infectious disease and died and was buried quickly due to her contagious disease and he tore her picture from the family photos as if it was not, but I kept a picture in my room away from their eyes, I tried to search for her a lot without anyone knowing  Without any benefit, especially after my father death, and that there is no threat to her.
After much searching, I heard rumors that she was in a Great Magical Region in the Heart Kingdom, I went to see her there but I was surprised by the color of her hair and she changed it to white , I asked her to come back but she told me that she did not want anything to do with Silva family,  and that she changed her hair by magic so that she forgets that she is one of them , And she would not forgive my father for losing her first child, and even if she had children, she would not let them know that they were from the Silva.
I left broken for refusing to return, but this is her decision and I will respect it.

After the years passed and when I was cursed and weak, I knew that I would die soon, I wished to say goodbye to her , I sent my nanny to search for her in secret and she was able to find her, and she came with her to see me, I was very happy to see her  , she was sad that she did not spend more time with me, she thought like the rest that the reason for my illness was because of Noelle birth she looked at Noelle and petted her , ” Is having children worth the sacrifice? After I lost my first child, I couldn't bear another child, so I was afraid of losing him again " , she whispered sadly,
I told her that it is the most beautiful thing in this world and that they deserve to do anything for them and to see them happy and sad that I will not see her children, and I asked her to bring my jewelry box and I gave her half the necklace and cut the earring, and told her that they give to the first child of Silva family,  And I want her to give them to her son and daughter in the hope that our children will meet again and live together and realize the dreams that we could not achieve together ، she take them and left and I never saw her again, the nanny told me she moved to Clover to stay close and she can visit me, but I felt that i would die soon and she would not be able to visit me except in my grave, I wrote this letter and asked the nanny to hide it in her place and not tell you about it unless you find my sister or her children, and now I can rest in  my grave after you did this".

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