chapter 26

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Nozel went to visit their nanny, she was very old and when he arrived at her house she was sleeping on her bed unable to move.

"Silva eldest son is visiting me, it must be something important" , the nanny muttered.
"Yeah, there's something important I want to talk to you about" , Nozel said as he sat on the edge of the bed and took out the necklace he was wearing.

"Do you know anything about this necklace?"
"And why are you asking me about it?"  The nanny asked and pretended to be asleep.
"My mother gave it to me then she passed  away before I knew more about it , and you were very close to her".
"It's very sunny" , the nanny tried to evade the answer.

Nozel sighed, now he was sure she knew something and was trying to hide it.
"I found the other piece of the necklace and the earring".
The nanny attention now turned to Nozel, seriousness evident in her eyes.
"Did you find her owner?"
“her owner?? I found them with a girl and a boy ”.
“then it is late unfortunately, and it seems that the new generation will be reunited together” , the nanny muttered.
Nozel looked at her, not understanding anything, when the nanny signaled to her daughter to give her a box with a key inside.

"Your mother gave me this before she died and told me to keep the secret until the end of my life and pass it on to my daughter after me, and not to hand it over to you or you know about it , unless you find the owner of the necklace and you put the pieces together in place"

Nozel tried to ask more, but the nanny did not allow him to speak and lay on the bed to begin to sleep, muttering  "You must open it together, and you will understand everything , I am glad that I carried out my lady will before I died , and I see the meeting of Silva family finally" And then she fell asleep

Nozel opened the box to see a piece of paper on it that said where to find the safe and then he came out of the house and on his way back to the palace, "so They're from Silva family , how stupid am i , silver hair and Purple eyes weren't proof enough of that."

At that time, during Nozel absence, Masaru and Maria were arrested from the hospital, and Noelle came to the palace rushing looking for Nozel,  Nebra and Soled telling her that he left to see the nanny.
"They arrested Maria and Massaro , I heard they want to try them in Parliament and maybe They will be executed ، We have to do something."

“I heard rumors that they were involved in what happened in the city, and the fighting was an attempt to hide this, and why should we intervene?”  Solid said
"This is not true, you know the truth" Noelle said
" The summoning of the Wind God must have frightened them so much” , Nibra muttered.
"Because they are innocent and because I think they are our relatives in one way or another, and I won't abandon them, if you want that, I won't," Noelle said angrily and left the room.

Nebra looked at Solid and hit him on the head, "You are always hasty and stupid, that Nozel himself takes care of them, and surely we have to do something so that he doesn't get angry at us".
"As you wish, I'm with  family opinion " Solide raised his hand in surrender.

On the day of the trial, Masaru and Maria entered the parliament building , They wore a robe that covered their hair , It was difficult for them to keep their silver hair , They couldn't deal with that yet, and besides that?!
They never understood the reason for their trial. They were dragged here from the hospital, even though Masaru injuries had not yet healed, and Owen interventions to stop this had not worked.
They were looking at the royals and nobles who gathered here with a questioning look, they did nothing except that they were stronger and protected and defended their kingdom, is having too much power wrong?!.

This was what was in their minds, but the king and his followers did not care about anything and did not intercede for these two children they saved them from death, they only saw them as a threat to them, two children of the common people of this age who had this amount of power without being noble , It was not acceptable ,  And an insult to them, and that they might turn against them at any time.

Fuegoleon couldn't do anything to stop them, he watched as he hoping to find some way to get them out of this predicament.
Yami was sitting next to him comfortably without causing any chaos, and this is what surprised him This is not in his nature to attend to these matters, and how now is the trial of two members of his former squad!  He must have been planning something, and this gave him some rest and hoped they wouldn't cause too much chaos.

As if he asked for this when the door of the building was destroyed and the members of the black bull squad appeared, what is happening now reminds him of what happened before when the bulls rescued Asta, but the difference is that at that time Julius was present and sent him with Nozel to save the situation, but now he can do nothing Only watching.

Meanwhile, at Silva Palace, Nozel came back, and when he entered and saw Nebra and Soled talking, he knew there was a problem.
"What's going on here?"
"Brother, you back in the right time, they have arrested Massaro and Maria and accuse them of treason and that they have done this to seize their power over Clover, and I know they are important so we were going to try to do something".

Nozel heard what was happening with anger, did they take advantage of his absence to do this!  And how did fuegoleon allow this to be done?  But he remembered the nobles and their thinking, and that if they wanted to intervene to save them, they had to do this and talk to them from the logic of the royals only so that no one would dare approach them again.

“Solid, assemble the Silva family immediately , We’ll go to Parliament , It’s a family matter”, Nozel said, as he headed into the palace to the place the nanny had told him about , He needed proof after all, and Nebra followed him when he entered their mother room.

“What’s going on here, brother” , she asked, watching Nozel looking in the library and moving a book, so the library moved after it to show a cupboard, and when she approached him, she saw spaces in the wall that looked like the necklace and earring they owned.

To be continued........

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