Infiltration [Reworked]

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In the core of the sprawling world teethed to the brim with sirens lays the Mother , where advanced technology and futuristic architecture coexisted, a shipgirl who have infiltrated deep into the world named SSG Aluna. Aluna was once an adventurous and curious soul, always seeking thrills beyond the boundaries of her everyday life yet now she is now but nothing a husks of her former self now only driven forward by sheer rage and vengeance. Her purpose here was like many others shipgirls here before her, killing the Mother and now after countless deaths a clear path now lead to the Mother a path forged through the blood and tears of the shipgirls just for One chance, One chance to end it all.

On that fateful day,  Aluna found herself running through a hallway, her heart pumping  pumps upon pumps of adrenalin throughout her body. The walls were made of sleek, reflective material that seemed to glow bright neon and change colors as she moved forward. The floor beneath her feet was a polished surface that glided seamlessly with each step, propelling her nearer and nearer to the Mother

Just as Aluna thought she left her pursuers in the dust, she immediately dived left to avoid a beam of laser that instantly vaporized huge chunk of the wall  before she spun into the air barely avoiding several spinning beams and skillfully landing back on the floor and  sheathed her katana with the name Rykuno carved into its very being, expecting several more beams of dedaly scorching lasers and true to her expectation dozens of lasers came flying her way and immediately deflected a few laser beams in her path before slicing a strategically fired laser beam in half before firing a salvo at her pursuers and ran again.

The cannons rounds spun through the air at extreme speed and collided with thewalls of the hallway which created a sticky yellow foam that continued to expand filling the hallway to the brim designed to either trap someone or escape a situation, this however did not slow down the sirens hot on her trail as they simply activated a tech on their body which caused their body to gain a silvery glow and slippery like surface which allowed them to run through the foam with no problem.

However Aluna expecting this outcome have already come up with a plan to continue her infiltration peacefully, swerving into a normal bedroom where a window showed a breathtaking view of the sirens' dock with ships of ginormous proportions being chained down by chains the size of a man as if chaining down a ferocious beast waiting to devour its enemies. A view Aluna saw many times up till the point where she became numb to it, this was good as the enormous dock served a good purpose for her. deciding it was time to enact her plan she threw a knife through the window shattering it before hiding under the bed holding her breath and slowing down her heartbeat to its slowest, hoping that the sirens would get tricked ,she waited.

The door slid open to reveal a squadron of 6 sirens immediately securing the perimeter, watching from under the bed her heart couldn't help but pound against her heart. After the sirens finished securing the perimeter, a siren walked in, not any siren but a High siren walked into the room. The High siren walked with confidence and triumph that would not be expected from anyone but the High sirens, the backbone and central power of the siren military, for one High siren is more than enough to fight the observer to a standstill.

The siren walked to the window crushing the shattered window under her boot, before doing a hand sign to her squad which caused them to leave the room in a orderly order., Before being followed by the High siren which suddenly made eye contact with Aluna and flashed her a smirk before walking out.

This action immediately caused Aluna to widen her eyes and several bells were ringing inside her head, causing her to become paranoid and uneased spiraling her mind into a abyss of thoughts before being awakened by a 'ding' inside her head 

"right the mission" aluna muttered under her breath.

crawling out, Aluna climbed on top of a cabinet in order to get access to a vent that lead to several more rooms, and one of the rooms led straight to the Mother, a vital intel that was discovered through the dying breath of a agent, rest in peace Aluna prayed for her. Crawling through the vent, Aluna hoped this mission, this attempt would be successful and that her death would be the death that kill the Mother which would stop the sirens dead in their tracks and might even crumble their civilization, clutching the WMD(Weapon Of Mass Destruction) tightly in her hand her heart burned with determination and hope for one last time....


615 words (Original word count)

856 words (Reworked word count)

Author note:

Im reworking this as laffey's personality would not suit the story that i envision and hope to write and also the main reason why im procrastinating to write.

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