Chapter 25- Draco's missing

Start from the beginning

I ran towards her who was coughing out the floo powder, "Mrs. Malfoy! Did you find out something?"

She nodded and extended a letter towards McGonagall, "Here, professor... I got this letter today."

McGonagall started reading it out loud:

Dear Cissy,
          I never thought I would say this again but I am quite proud of you for being so cunning. Here you proved it to me by sending your son to die, so that you could live in peace! My revenge was to see one of you suffer seeing the other one dies. Now, I can satisfy the Dark Lord's wishes to punish you for your betrayals and cowardness.

My hands flew to my mouth as tears started streaming down my face, "No... he can't..."

Mrs. Malfoy choked at her own sobs, "It is all m-my fault... If i hadn't told him that... B-Bella was after me, he... would n..not risk his life for mine..."

Hermione took out the necklace frm her pocket(which she stole it the other day while I took a shower) and extended it to Mrs. Malfoy, "Erm, Mrs. Malfoy... look it's glowing.. which means he is alive."

Her eyes lit up, "My son! He is alive?"
Ron nodded, "This necklace glows when Draco is in danger, ma'am."

She immediately fall on her knees, "Professor McGonagall! Please save my son! He is just a boy... please..."

McGonagall pulled her up and embraced her, "Narcissa. We will save him. We will."

She nodded, her body shaking with her sobs, "But... how? We don't know where to find him."

Suddenly, Hermione snapped her fingers, "I think I know how! Wait for me here!"

After a couple of minutes, she returned not alone but with the enchanted mirror I gifted Draco on Christmas.

I grinned broadly, "Hermione, you are such a genius!" I took it from her and muttered, "Draco. Draco Malfoy."

I was so relieved to see a small room... this means he is alive. But I frowned, "I can't quite figure out where is this."

Mrs. Malfoy asked, "Can I take a look?"

As she stared at the mirror, she bit her lips, "I... I have seen this, but can't quite remember when or where..."

I beamed, "You have seen it? Take your time and firgure it out Mrs. Malfoy."

She plopped down on the couch, deep in thought. Sirius crouched down to have a look at it... as he snapped his fingers and yelled, "Cis, The Golden Cabin!"

Mrs. Malfoy eyes widen, "Merlin's beard! Oh yes, Sirius!"

I gave them a puzzled look, "Uh, the what?"

Sirius smiled, "The Golden Cabin, Harry. Me, Reg, Cis, Bella and Dora went there when i was 12 during our vacation. Father forbidded us not to cross the woods to get to the other side where the muggles lived. Well, we decided we would build a cabin of our own."

Mrs. Malfoy chuckled, "Bella was the only one who loved it so much, she never wanted to return. Oh Sirius, how glad we were together... I miss the good, old days..."

Sirius grinned, "Me, too."

She looked at him shocked, "You do?"

He nodded, "Of course. Just because I left my family to live with the Potters, doesn't mean I didn't miss you guys... well except Bella. I still hate her. You were never a problem so well...", he shrugged, "And well Dora will always be my fav and Reg.... well... I will never be able to forgive myself for leaving him alone... he might have been alive if I-"

Mrs. Malfoy cut him off, "It's not your fault. Plus, you were never a disppointment to our family. We were just not as brave as you to stand up for ourselves. Like a true Gryffindor you are, Sirius and I am proud of you really."

With that, they hugged each other and what? I ruined it, "Guys... I am glad you guys made up after so many years but... we still have to rescue Draco before it's too late."

Sirius rolled his eyes, "I was having a moment here, you party pooper!"

Everyone chuckled as I facepalmed.

"Oh and professor I suggest you stay here. Hogwarts need your protection.", Remus said.

Professor protested, but failed miserably as everyone made her stay. She finally sighed, "Very well. Now, out everyone."

"Now, please hold our hands, everyone. Let's apparate.", Sirius said as some of us grab his hand and some of us grabbed Mrs. Malfoy's hand.

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