I laughed quietly. "Would I have sat here in silence if that was my goal?".

Xavier raised his eyebrow and regarded me quietly. "I like you. As long as you don't get in his way, I think we'll get along just fine". He extended a hand for me to shake and I did.

We both wanted the best for Aidan and I couldn't fault him for that.

He walked away then and packed up the rest of his stuff. "I'm locking these doors, so go out the back with Aidan when you leave", he called to me before leaving the building.

And just like that, it was only myself and Aidan left.

I was about to take my phone out and check my messages when I heard Aidan call my name.

"Em! What are you doing here?", he asked excitedly. He bounded down from the ring and jogged over to me. The sweat dripped off him and his muscles flexed as he stretched out his arms. I can't believe I'm with him.

I shook my head to take myself out of the eye-humping daze I had been in to respond. "I wanted to surprise you with lunch", I spoke as I held up the sandwiches I had grabbed from Joe's before coming here.

His answering grin sent butterflies to my stomach. "You are the best", he said before bending down to place a kiss on both of my cheeks. He stood up to his full height and extended a hand to me. "Let's eat in the staff lounge. I have this place booked out so it will just be us anyways".

I took his hand and gathered up my stuff. He brought me into a room that I hadn't seen before due to its hidden location. The staff lounge was tucked behind the boxing room with a view out to the entire floor. The two of us sat down and dug in, my stomach growling at the smell of the fresh bread.

"Don't you have class right now?", he asked in between bites.

I swallowed before responding. "Normally I do but the professor canceled the class because his kid was sick. I'm not complaining though. Finals are next week and I am so ready to be done for the semester".

"Have you thought more about what you want to major in?", he asked.

I was quiet. "Umm not exactly. I think I'm going to take more writing classes for sure, but I have no clue still. There's just a lot of possibilities and I don't want to make any concrete decisions until –" I cut myself off before I finished that sentence. "I just don't know yet. Maybe journalism though", I recovered quickly.

Aidan didn't seem to notice my slip up and continued eating, nodding his head along with my words. "That's okay. You don't have to decide anything until you're ready", he reassured me. I finished up eating and looked out to the ring.

"Do you want to try?", Aidan asked me with a challenge on his face.

When we were kids the guys used to get me to do all kinds of stuff by simply betting me I couldn't do it. Some things never change.

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