Trent Gets Schooled

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Leo shakes his head "Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only being nice 'cause I need something." Trent lifts Leo to his feet then turns to the three of us "You guys...are gonna help me past my history test."

Chase scoffs "You don't even take history. The only class you have left is physics."

"And since when do you care about taking tests?" I ask

Trent turns his attention to "There is a lot about me you don't know. I have many layers. I am very dense."

Chase and I both sarcastically smile "Yes. Yes, you are."

Trent drops his hands "Look, Perry says I can't fail again."

Chase once again smiles and pulls me closer to him while eyeing Trent "Oh, but you can. It's kind of your thing."

Trent groans "Come on, there's gotta be some kind of trick. Like, what's that thing you do that makes you pass tests?"

"It's called studying." I comment

Trent shakes his head "What else you got?"

Leo thinks for a moment "How about this? We help you pass, you move football practice back outside."

"Yeah. I guess I could do that." Trent walks over to the football players.

Chase turns to Leo and I  "Hmm. That was easy."

Trent talks to his players "Come on, guys, we're taking this outside. And we're gonna need some tackling dummies..." I pull away from Chase as the football players grab Chase and Leo and carry them outside while they scream. I laugh to myself and follow after them.

Walking into the house we set our stuff down in the living room, while Chase continues to whine "Man, I can't stand Trent. Why do we have to help him pass his test?"

"Because he's big and we're small," Leo says

"Because Perry likes him and hates us," I add

"Because he has all the power and we don't." Leo and I speak at the same time which weirds Chase out a bit.

Leo sighs "We could go on and on and on."

"You know, since he needs our help, technically we have the power in the situation. We control what he learns." Chase walks across the room to go get something.

Leo nods his head "Ah, yes. I'm gonna speak in a tone that suggests I know where you're going with this, but wait for you to tell me more."

Chase walks back and holds up a pair of glasses "These are Davenglasses."

Leo takes the glasses in his hands and inspects them "Gee, someone needs to have their name on everything."

Chase nods his head in agreement "They're a subliminal learning device that helps the user rapidly memorize any programmed information. Here, check out demo mode."

Leo puts on the glasses and Chase presses a button on them but Chase and I just watch until a few moments later Leo takes off the glasses and hands them back to Chase "No, let's not have a look. Okay, those are cool and all, but how are they gonna help us with Trent?"

Chase smiles "We'll get even with him by programming the glasses with fake facts."

Leo nods his head "The glasses said that Big D looks manly. They're already programmed with fake facts."

Chase and I both start to head towards my room after talking to Leo "I don't understand why we need to 'get even' with Trent. I mean if he graduates he'll be long gone"

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