Chapter 24 - Leavi

Start from the beginning

Ignoring her, Sean offers his hand to the man. "Sean Rahkifellar."

The man gives Sean one strong shake. "Markus Delroy." He turns to me. "And you are?"

Embarrassment washes over me, as my brain scrambles to offer a proper introduction. It settles on an awkward, "Ah... Leavi." Understanding much more of the Trader's language than I can speak, I've spent the last couple months avoiding dialogue. I suppose I'll pay for that now.

Markus' hand hovers in the air, waiting for me to shake, and I hurry to accept it. He takes his seat next to Zena, and I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, suddenly self-conscious.

Behind me, the door pushes open, and I turn to see a boy maybe a few years older than me saunter in. "Marcí, that smells exquisite!" A simple copper chain peeks from beneath the neck of his white tunic, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Roguish, inky hair wisps above lightning-blue eyes that light on me.

"Hello." He greets me as though we're old friends, tone easy and smile bright. "Mrs. Marcí," he scolds playfully, calling around me. "Why didn't you tell me we'd gotten such a beautiful new guest?" Turning back, he clasps my hand in both of his. "Jacin."

"Leavi," I answer, more confidently this time.

His grin stretches wider. "It's very nice to meet you, Leavi." Releasing my hand, he pulls out a chair and gestures at me. "After you, miss."

I blush, sitting, and he takes the spot beside me. Marcí settles on my other side, her husband next to her, leaving Sean at the far end of the table. While Marcí passes out plates, she quickly reintroduces everyone. "This is Markus," she starts. "He and I are cousins. And this is his darling little daughter, Zena."

She pushes up on the table again. "I'm not little!"

Markus shushes her, gently pushing her back into her chair.

"Of course you're not, dear." Marcí winks at us conspiratorially. "Anyway, that's Jacin Jazere. He just started boarding with us, oh, what was it? Three months ago?"

Jacin sips from the wooden water cup. "I think that's about right."

Marcí says something else, but I miss it, beginning to get lost in the rush of conversation. She speaks as though she's afraid her words are going to run away from her if she doesn't use them quickly enough. My confusion must be obvious because Jacin passes me a sympathetic glance. His gaze darts to Marcí, whose back is turned as she volleys a new barrage of words at Sean. Affecting overly wide eyes and an over-the-top smile, he mouths along to her bubbly monologue. I stifle a laugh with my hand, shaking my head, and he drops the act, giving me a genuine grin.

He leans over to whisper in my ear. "You'll get used to her eventually."

My attention snaps back to the conversation as Sean says, "That'd be appreciated."

"Oh, good!" Marcí exclaims. "And what about you, Leavi?"

"Ah..." Marcí stares at me, wide-eyed and expecting. Please stop looking at me and ramble about something else. But her eyes stay fixed. "I, uh... I sorry? No... hear?" Mentally, I groan.

Marcí's friendly face suddenly adopts a pitying look. "Oh, dear," she says to Sean regretfully. "Is she not very..." She taps her temple, unwilling to say it.

My jaw drops. Sean smirks, not bothering to correct her.

Jacin is the one who comes to my rescue. "No, no, Marcí. She's just not from around here. They've both got an accent, hear?"

"Oh." She smiles, patting my hand. "Well, then, I know the perfect job for you. They were looking for a girl who wouldn't talk too much anyhow."

My eyes widen in affront.

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