Emergence (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"Mexico has treated me well, despite the heat." His once wan skin has hints of health about it thanks to the sun and copious amounts of sunscreen.

"Surprised you haven't died from all the pollen during your little apprenticeship." Hedwig almost sounds impressed, "Or even from the culture shock: I hear they eat bugs down there."

They do. He has yet to try it. "Many things are different down there, Hedwig..." He wonders how much he should share, "Even my magic feels different there." A shug, no big deal.

"Well ya, you eedjit." Hedwig rolls her eyes, "You're outside your homeland."

Tom blinks.

"Tsk." She shakes her head, "The sort of thing a Pureblood upbringing will get ya, Tom. I shutter to think how more pompous ye'd be if you were raised like a Malfoy or Avery." A sniff, "Though then again, I guess it's not so common knowledge, what with everyone refusing to migrate anymore."

"My patience is thin, Hedwig."

"Aye aye, calm yourself, you gobshite." Her wandhand splays out, "Your magic is rooted in nature, ye? That's the origin of all magicks. Even us who come from fae and creatures." Another sniff and she curses her allergies under her breath, "If you're away from the earth where you were born, it'll feel off. You've been around Ximena, yeah?"

He raises a brow, because how does she know that? "Who's to say?"

"Aye, don't be coy." Another roll of the eyes, "Well have you noticed anything different about her magic since she's gone back home?"

He's noticed several things that are different, least of all her magic. He hasn't had that time to...personally inspect it. But if magic can affect moods and personalities, then... "Ah."

"Ah." She mocks, "It's why you have to be careful around the foreigners... One step in their ancestral lands, and they'd tie your bollocks around your neck without breaking a sweat. Tch. Why do you think my father refuses to step foot in America?"

"Don't tell me he's afraid of your mother."

"Eh." A shrug. "More like her family."

Hedwig's mother is powerful. He already knew this, but looks to be like it's genetic. Or at least inherited.

"Don't tell me your father has animosity towards his in-laws." He smirks. Friendly teasing.

"In-laws." Hedwig sticks her tongue out, "What a modern word. Muggle, innit?"

Changing the subject? He'll remember that.

The door to the empty classroom opens.

"Apologies," Nemesis brushes her hair out of her face, "I was stopped on my way here by a prefect. Said I looked too in a hurry."

"Eugh, Mudblood Turner?[1]"

Nemesis scrunches her nose, at the slur or at the mention of the prefect, he's not sure. "He graduated last year, I believe." She straightens out her robes, "Though his distrust of Slytherins certainly left a legacy...One would think I was a criminal by how I was treated."

Tom chuckles quietly under his breath at the mere idea of Nemesis committing a serious crime. "A lion's nature does not change."

Hedwig snorts, "They're worse than us."

This pleases him, for various reasons. "Because we move as a unit. Success for one means success for us all."

"Very Hufflepuff of you, Tom." Nemesis compliments.

"Our houses are very similar." He nods. "Though herding snakes is harder than badgers." A smirk, "Our fellow Slytherins have needed a bit more motivation in realizing what's good for them." He raises his chin, "But I'm getting ahead of myself: let's go."

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