Interlude VII: Balam

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Inviting the sizeable amount of extended family (both blood and water related) for Ximena's induction into their coven is a stressful amount of work, and Balam wonders if perhaps it would just be easier to throw her a late quinceñera.

They cannot, of course, the Catholic church knows they're witches, and would not acknowledge Ximena as pure, but she deserves a party. Maybe they can do it at night? Something to think about.

His mother, of course, is going. As is her mother, and her mother. His sister, aunts, great aunts, cousins, the small number of nieces (too young to be in the coven, but it's good to have family around), and probably his own ex-mentor. Preparing the food for them all will take a while, but most (if not all of them) are happy to help. Well, they're happy to take control of the kitchen. Balam has no doubt that he'll be kicked out of his own home during the entire preparation. He chuckles at the thought, not minding the inevitable. Already, he can hear his mother's voice scolding him for being in the women's space, 'All that trouble you had growing up just for you to flock with the hens?' Her wording would be insensitive, but her heart would be in the right place. As it was when she found Ximena across the sea and told him nothing about it.

A few ask if he's angry with his mother, but how can he be? When she's helped keep his daughter safe all these years during which he couldn't even remember he had one? It's ridiculous to be upset with her when it's his fault any of this happened. Ximena could have stayed. Amnestic, but with him. Not knowing her own name, but at home.

He takes a deep breath. Centers himself. It's all gone. All in the past. Even if...repairing that relationship will take time. Years. Years he has. Years she has. They all have time.

Ximena's laugh rings from the living room. Carlos said something funny, probably twisting his unpleasant face into something comedic. Hoping to land lucky in Ximena's heart. Balam tsks, his dislike for the boy obvious and well known. At least (at the very least), Carlos knows Ximena. Balam can trust him.

It's Ximena he can't trust. He's already caught them making eyes at each other from across the plaza, on days when he takes her out shopping with him. It's nonsense, of course, just hormonal teenagers discovering themselves (as he did, when he was young), but it doesn't mean he's not allowed to be worried. Almost eight full years away from his daughter, and already someone wants to take her away from him.

He wonders if this is how his grandmother felt when his mother brought home her first boyfriend. He should ask. While she's still alive.

He sips his coffee.

The letters from his charge are suspiciously dull. Vague in a way that tells Balam that Tom wants something but isn't quite sure how to ask for it. It's only recognizable because he, himself, used to do the same with his own mentor. And, like his old teacher, Balam has little patience for it. Tom can drop his Slytherin tendencies for long enough to ask directly what he wants to know. Providing, of course, that it isn't illegal. Dumbledore wouldn't quite like that.

Receiving the request to mentor a warlock was an odd one, but Balam can't say he much regrets it—Yes, even removing the very unavoidable fact that without Tom Riddle, Ximena and he might have continued to have been separated for an undisclosed amount of time. Tom is inquisitive, he finds value in knowing the smallest of details. Well, almost, he's still a bit of a brooding teenage boy regarding things like emotions, but that's normal. Balam did much of the same, at his age, though he was perhaps a bit more melodramatic over it (as his mother loves to remind him).

A delighted squeal from the next room; Balam decides to get up and break up whatever funny-business the two teenagers left alone began.


thanks to tuliami on WattPad, whose small, but kind comment on a chapter motivated me to upload this. Also: thanks to Adderall.

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