Chapter 6: Niko no longer.

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Niko goes to sleep but she has a nightmare that will haunt Niko for the rest of her life.

Start of Niko's Nightmare

Niko: Yawn.... Good morning Deekin dear.

Deekin doesn't move or respond. Niko moves in and kisses Deekin but then she sees that he was dead.

Niko: W-what?! D-Deekin!? Y-you can't die on me!

Niko heads to Eric's house and when she got there a different family lived there. They told her that Eric died of old age and Ishi unable to bear it hung herself. Niko rushes over to Ruby's house. Niko then got the news that Ruby was executed for her crimes of repeated major theft.

Niko: NO no no! This doesn't add up! The timing is off! None of this could have happened within a night! I need to see shawn!

Niko goes to Shawn's home. she knocks and hoped it wasn't more bad news. Shawn answers the door.

Niko: Shawn! Thank goodness! 

Shawn: Niko? What's wrong?

Niko: You wouldn't believe me but everyone Eric, Ruby, Ishi, and Deekin! They were all alive yesterday! Something is horribly wrong!

Shawn: I believe you!

Niko: And then..... wait... you do?

Shawn: Come inside. Talk to me.

Niko steps inside. The house was remodeled alright. The new look was not quite right. There was something unsettling about this new look. Shawn gestures for her to sit down and she does.

Shawn: I believe in many things. I heard and seen weirder stuff than what you told me. But start from the beginning.

Niko: Alright.... So last thing I remember was..... Coming into being yesterday... no no. That isn't right..... I have been alive longer than that.....

Shawn: Take your time.

Niko: This place is.... creepy...

Shawn: But hey. It's home. As the saying goes. My home, your home.

Niko: Is Coal alive?

Shawn: Coal? Yeah. First let me tell you that I'm freaked out. You say Ishi and Ruby are dead but they are here. 

Niko: but I heard that...

Shawn grinning: They died? Who told you that? Come Niko. I want to show you something.

Niko felt a wave a terror Shawn wanted to show Niko something and Niko wanted to leave this room so badly but she couldn't move she tried to call out to shawn but couldn't utter a word. She watches as he leaves to where he wanted to show Niko but she couldn't follow. She didn't want to be alone. Not in this messed up world. Not in this messed up room. She felt something familiar stroke the side of her face. Niko's blood freezes as she forces her eyes to look. It was Deekin who was dead.

Niko's thoughts: Let me out let me out let me out!!!!

Niko passed out and when she opened her eyes Deekin was still there and she passed out again. Niko dared not open her eyes until she heard Shawn call out to her. She opens her eyes and she is standing up following Shawn.

Niko: ...

Shawn: What is it Niko? Cat got your tongue?

Niko had a really bad feeling. Shawn was leading her down to a basement. She had a dreadful feeling that if he opens the door something horrible will happen. 

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