Chapter 2: New blood.

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 Ruby heads to Eric's house. She knocks on their door and a few moments later Ruby sees a small red kobold.

Ruby: Oh hello there! Is your dad home?

Ginzo: Papa is sleeping. Who are you?

Ruby: I'm a friend of Eric's. I'm Ruby.

Ginzo: Ruby the thief? You aren't here to steal right?

Ruby: ummmm.... No. I am retired from that life. I just want to talk to Eric and Ishi and catch up.

Ginzo: Come in! 

Ruby: Thanks.

Ruby walks in and sees that Ishi and Ginzo are in the kitchen cooking.

Ishi: Ruby?! It's been so long! How have you been?! What have you been doing these six years?

Ruby: Stuck in traffic. I actually am a teacher now. Is your son....

Ishi: Is he what?

Ruby: Have a class?

Ishi: Yes. He didn't chose either of our paths and made his own. Chief.

Ruby: Chief huh? I guess there is no need for adventures now that the world is at a stand still. Even the demon lord himself can just walk in a tavern and sit next to an arch angel and share a drink.

Ishi: Errr... It's that peaceful.... No wonder why I feel obsolete...

Ruby: How's Eric?

Ishi: He started to have heart problems and has to be careful with what he eats. He regrets yelling at you to leave our already broken guild.

Ruby: I understand. I was the odd one out. Even Shawn who I thought saw through everything didn't help me. In fact he scorned me the most out of everyone.

Ishi: I'm sorry. 

Eric: Ruby?...

Ruby: Hello Eric.... It's been six years....

Eric:  Ruby... I'm sorry.... I should have never yelled at you... I didn't mean to kick you out....

Ruby: It's ok. I accepted it. I knew that we were about to go our separate ways anyway. I knew you didn't mean what you said.

Eric: Still.... I regret it. Sometimes all I can think about is... What if? What if you were right? FarReach could have managed this world and maybe....

Ruby: No. I also thought the same thing but now I am at peace. You get to have a child and be there to raise him.

Eric: I guess you are right. But you really should see Shawn and Coal.

Ruby: I am afraid too. I am afraid he is going to be unwelcoming if he sees me. 

Eric: We can't hide from the past forever.

Ruby: I guess you are right. I'll go talk to him. 

Ginzo: Dad. Can I Go to Shawn's house?

Eric: Sure. Go with Ruby.

Ruby leaves with Ginzo and heads to Shawn's home. She was about to knock on the door when the door suddenly swings open and Ruby is greeted by Ocust.

Ocust: Hello Ruby! Hi Ginzo!

Ginzo: Hello!

Ruby: Um......Hello? Is Shawn.... and Coal here?

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