"Where have you been" was the first thing Ariana said to me as I entered her office "I was worried" she dropped a little stack of files on her desk.

I squinted my eyes at her "I was on my break, I told you" I looked at my watch "it's still not over yet" I stared at her as she said nothing.

I couldn't help but think that Everything is starting to get really suspicious.

"Are you questioning me" she took her glasses off and dropped them on her desk just like she did with the files.

I tried to talk but I choked on my words as she walked up to me.

She rubbed her hands up and down my chest "you know that makes me angry Y/n" she looked me dead in the eye "apologize".

"I'm sorry" I was quick to say but did not mean it.

How am I so addicted to her.

A small smile came on her face "good" she pulled me in to kiss her "today is a big day for you" she walked back to her desk.

"And that is because" I waited for her to finish.

"You're meeting the Vice President, Miss Gadot today" she smiled as she sat down. "She's finally back from Europe and I want you to give her a warm welcome" she paused "not as warm of a welcome as you would give me" she smirked.

I stood out on the runway with all the security, I held onto my umbrella tightly as the rain poured down on us. I looked at my watch to see that she should've been here twenty minutes ago. "Where is the plane" I turned to the head of security that was here.

"It must've got delayed, I mean look at this weather, it's terrible". I look up to the dark sky to see only some of the rain drops that were coming down. I found it strange that it started to pour when I got here because the forecast said that it was supposed to stay sunny. I was lucky the security had spare umbrellas.

"Here we go" he nudged me. He must've noticed my anxious state "don't worry she's much nicer than Miss Grande" he chuckled "she won't bite your head off as long as your polite".

"Bite my head off" I said back to him and all he done was give me a side eye. I found it strange that he would use them words for someone that's much higher up than him. I mean anyone of the other security guards could tell on him. Even I could.

The plane landed and we all made our way closer to it now that it was fully off. The security stopped at the stairs as did I. Miss Gadot stepped out of the plane, as she did I felt a shiver run down my spine. She is frighteningly beautiful I thought.

"You must be Y/n Y/l/n" she said as she came face to face with me.

"That's me" I chuckled and smiled at her and all she done was smile the faintest smile at me.

We made our way to Ariana's office. I knocked on the door and after I was allowed to enter along with Miss Gadot. We were both met with the sight of Ariana, Frank and Zendaya sitting around the room. Frank and Ariana on the same couch and Zendaya on the other.

"Miss Gadot how kind of you to finally join us" Ariana said as she stood up.

"I'll get your coat" I took off Miss Gadot's coat and I couldn't help but feel the gaze of my President on me.

"It's nice to see you Y/n" Frank said with a smile as he was still sat down on the couch.

"It's nice to see you too" I smiled at him and then Zendaya and I both shared a smile.

I made eye contact with Ariana's intense ones as I said "I'll get back to my work".

Before my President could say anything, the Vice President spoke.

President GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now