Her dad wasn't the most cuddly person. He was hard on her at times, but only because he wanted her to succeed and to keep her safe. All good parents wanted that, to see their child rise above where they are, to become more successful, and to experience what they didn't have the chance to.

But as a father, he had to keep his little girl safe. That's why he had rules in place for the rare times when Jungkook came over. The door had to stay open to her room if they were in there and he wasn't allowed to spend the night.

He just wanted to protect her and Eden couldn't fault him for that.

Eden placed her hand on his shoulder. "I got it from here. Go lay down, papa." The softness of her tone convinced him to do as she said. He stepped away from the sink and dried his hands on a kitchen towel before walking away to go to his room and sleep away the day.

Eden takes over the dishes, rewashing the ones he did to make sure they were clean before placing them on the rack for them to drip dry. This was what her days consisted of mostly, cleaning up the house and then sitting in her room, probably texting or calling Jungkook or Jimin.

After doing the dishes, Eden cleaned the rest of the kitchen. She wiped down the table and counters and swept and mopped the floor.

Just as she finished up there, her phone began to ring in her back pocket with the special ringtone she set for Jimin, Juicy by Doja Cat. Eden always thought that Jimin was the personification of literally any Doja Cat song, take your pick. It didn't help that he was absolutely in love with that woman.

She pulled out her phone and checked the caller ID, 'Chimichanga 💋🥀' with a picture of Jimin in a dog costume.

With a smile, Eden answered the call and held it to her ear. "Hey, Chim." She sighed, looking into the living room where more mess awaited her. At some point, cleaning became therapeutic for her. It had to be. It was a quiet task, didn't require much thought or effort. It helped her relax, clear her him.

Immediately Jimin began to whine. "I'm a fucking idiot. I tried to talk to Yoongi and I just sat there like an idiot. We barely spoke at all." He was honestly distraught by the brief interaction he shared with the senior. They only shared a few words, Jimin was surprised he had even gotten a sentence out to him.

Jimin came up to him, standing in front of Yoongi's sitting figure with his hands behind his back. He gave Yoongi a smile, the best one he could pull out in that moment. "I didn't know you'd be coming, Yoongi." He unintentionally put on a sweet tone. His voice was already as pleasant and sweet as could be, sweet as the popsicles and lollipops he sucks on.

Yoongi's voice is nothing like his. It's mellow, smokey in a mysterious way, overall appealing to Jimin. He was Jimin's type in every way, the brooding type who wears loose, dark clothing and looks like they hate everyone. Even then, Yoongi's indifferent to everyone and everything. He was cool, calm, and collected, everything Jimin liked.

Now, he had mint green hair from what was once platinum blonde. Jimin thought he looked so good with green hair, any hair color really, but green looked really good on him.

Yoongi's eyes connected with Jimin's and the boy's chest tightened. He sipped on his drink. "Your brother invited me." He spoke simply. And then his eyes began to trail.

Jimin was undeniably attractive. It was impossible to refute. Even if you weren't gay in some way, objectively he was hot. Yoongi wasn't a liar, he thought Jimin was hot as well. He's known Jimin's name since his Junior year in highschool when classmates were talking about a boy who had come to school dressed like a "girl" or a "slut". Rumors spread like wildfire until Jimin made it very clear and very public by yelling in the middle of the hall. "If you have a problem with me, speak the fuck up! Don't be fucking cowards! Say it to my face!"

It's been years since he last hear of Jimin, but the boy left a lasting impression. Yoongi admired his confidence in all honesty. Jimin was brazen in his own identity, unquestionably himself and that was something that could create jealousy.

Jimin nodded. "That's cool." He made a note to kick Taehyung's ass for that.

"Do you mind if I sit down?" He asked Yoongi, pointing to the empty spot beside him with another, shy-er, smile. Yoongi gave a single curt nod and sipped on his vodka.

And so Jimin took a seat on the cushion beside him and from further on, they spoke not another word to each other. They both wanted to say something, but what more do you say to someone you barely know?

Eden's lips turned into a soft frown, one of empathy. She could definitely understand Jimin's frustration, though, she couldn't say that she wasn't talking to Taehyung the whole time. She was a blubbering mess around him most of the time.

"Well, maybe you'll get another chance. You have mixed classes with him don't you?" She went off and began cleaning off the coffee table, picking up bottles in her hands while holding her phone to her ear with her shoulder.

The sound of Jimin's airy sigh came from her phone. "Yeah, Life and Cooking and sculpting." He told her without missing a beat. He looked forward to those mixed classes where he got to see Yoongi though they seldom interacted at all.

"I'm going to hang myself." He pressed his face into his pillow, kicking his legs against his bed after thinking and rethinking last night and how much better it could've gone.

Eden chuckled softly. "Don't do that. I'll have to go with you if you do. You'll work up to it, yeah?"

"Yeah." He murmured softly. "It'll just come to me. I'm such a good flirt." When Jimin felt unsure or unconfident in himself, joking words of affirmation that pushed himself up tended to help. A fake it til you make it type thing.

"Okay, I gotta go help TaeTae clean up. Thanks for the pep talk, bestie."

Eden grinned. "Anytime, Chim-ie." They said their affectionate goodbyes before hanging up the phone, both of them going to their cleaning tasks.

A least one of them was having a little more luck with their crush.

*.✧ Kᴀʏs Eɴᴅɪɴɢ Nᴏᴛᴇs

I'm on the last season of Shameless and I'm honestly ashamed of myself. But like- not really cuz it's a good show. Idk what I'm gonna spend all my time watching. If any of y'all have an recommendations, shoot them my way.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you guys enjoyed and I wish you all a wonderful day/night.


~Kay ʕ'•ᴥ•'ʔ

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