...Chapter Sixteen...

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A/N: Bonjour, srry I've been gone for so long as that will be explained at the end of this chapter, also for this I have Y/N's body on the more feminine side, so to all my male, non-binary, trans and all readers I greatly apologize

Smut is ahead, so be warned my bois

"Ayaya" Is exactly what you woke up too, laying in bed for a whole minute just listening to the alarm with eyes fully opened before becoming bored and turning off the alarm, sitting up and continuing to lay in bed for a solid 15 seconds and doing what is normally done. Mostly questioning life for about 10 seconds while the last 5 was remembering all the good that has been experienced in your life time, consisting of the friends you've made in the Foundation over the years, your assistant D/N and of course our beloved Jack Bright. "Heh, guess there's atleast some good in this shitty world." You muttered while showing a smol smile before finally getting up from your bed and actually being atleast somewhat productive, first taking a shower and then finding some Breakfast to eat before going to your office to do a bit of work. You currently still relaxing before the existential dread settled back in and then disappeared again upon the door opening and revealing the god damn madlad herself.

"Bonjour darling." Bright said, you first lookin at her with a tired face that morphed into a smol smile and giving a wave. "Hey Bright." You said with a rather hoarse voice, realizing what your voice sounded like and dying on the inside. "You doing good darling?" Bright asked while approaching you with obvious concern, you adverting your eyes and not answering her. "Y/N please just answer me." Bright replied, you looking over at her for a moment before speaking, "Yeah sorry about that, just died a little inside hearing my voice." You replied, still dying on the inside from hearing your own voice again but atleast it wasn't as bad as the first time. "Ah I see, as long as it's nothing serious." Bright said, you smiling and and deciding to pull her onto your lap, Bright obviously becoming flustered while you chuckled. "Y/N wha—" But unfortunently she was interrupted by you, "This is nice.." You muttered while borrowing your face into Bright's chest, deciding to currently enjoy ze beautiful booba before a new body arrives.

"I see, enjoying the last of the Hentai type body eh?" Bright asked, you immediately becoming flustered and not responding while she chuckled at your reaction.  "It's okay Darling, I'll make sure it's the biggest cock I can get." Bright said, you becoming even more flustered at that comment alone. "Heh, I know I've said this many times before, but you never cease to be adorable when flustered~" She said while cupping your cheeks, you still flustered and attempting to advert your gaze to another part of the room. "Love ya darling~" She said, giving you a quick peck on the lips before leaving. "Well, that was interesting." You muttered, still processing of whatever the hell just happened. "Alright time to wo—" And just then the fucking breach alarm sounded, you being silent while the announcment had said that SCP-076-2 had breached, the same with SCP-682. Just a whole abyss of trouble. You took a moment to take a deep ass breathe, before screaming in lowercase.

"Alright that's better." You mutteted while getting up from your seat and grabbing an extra chainsaw that Bright gave you a few day's prior, showing a sadistic grin while looking down at the chainsaw, already imagining the epic ass battle that was about to take place. You walked out of your office while running towards where Able (SCP-076-2) and SCP-682 had been, first finding 682 but Dr. Kondraki was already fighting the lizard with his sword so you decided to fight Able instead, leaving Kondraki to fight the lizard while you continued on your journey to find Able. Thankfully you eventually found the immortal warrior, seeing that a nearby researcher was already attempting to avoid his sword while several other resesrchers were dead on the floor, some had their throats slashed while others had bled out to death with missing limbs and organs.

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