...Chapter Nine...

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"Ah good your here Y/N." Clef said while entering your office, being a week or two since the events of last chapter. You working at your desk and working on your latest report for a test on SCP-106, not much was learned but what was known is that 106 does not have a grill in his pocket dimension. Much Sad. "How ya doin Cowboy man?" You asked, Clef saying that he was doing well and asked the same question, you replying with pain and external dread, ya know just the normal.

"Ah, good to see I guess.." Clef muttered, the room going into an awkward silence for a moment before Clef spoke again. "Well Y/N, I need help for something and want you to help as long as you promise not to tell anyone outside of the Project about this." Clef said, you immediately agreeing and figuring it was something either dangerous, stupid, or what would normally send any normal person into a Mental Breakdown Breakdown, you know like the Flesh that M—

"Good Y/N." Clef said before briefing you on the plan about him deciding to have a dinnee date with SCP-173 / The Holy Peanut, telling you about what your role would be and what you exactly would do, Clef saying that you were in charge of making the food and gathering multiple D-Class so they would be able to make sure neither of your neccs go snap. "Nice, I'll do my best at the food." You said, Clef smiling in response before telling you when you would do this and then leaving you to keep writing down the test results so they could be put into the official database for the various tests with SCP-106.

Kingu Crimson!

You currently were cooking and setting up everything for Clef's date with the Holy Peanut, you did think it was weird but when it comes to the fact you saw Bright fuck an SCP, Clef has fucked an SCP before and is responsible for The Flesh of what we don't like to talk about it wasn't surprising at this point. At this point you're most likely the only Chaotic member of Foundation Personnel to not fuck an SCP. Pathetic.

After a while in thought and listening to Tankman's Ascension you had finally finished cooking some Al Nero Di Seppia cause one JoJo Reference isn't enough and you Reader have unknowingly stepped into my trap of JoJo References with no escape! Haha just kidding, but you can truly never escape them Reader. I should really stop with these 4th Wall Breaks, oh well back to the story for about the next Ten Seconds. You getting a few more pieces of food so it wouldn't just be Ink Spaghetti, some of the foods being Garlic and Italian Bread, mainly cause pretty much all the foods of Italians you knew were Spaghetti, Italian Bread and Pizza, maybe some others. (A/N: This is a Joke, please don't cancel me on Twitter—)

Anyways you carried thee food towards a free containment cell that could be used, guards and several other employees questioning why the fuck you had Italian food, but at this point they all just kinda stop giving a shit, besides much weirder shit has definitely happened before. You making it to the cell and placing the food on a small table that was there, you looking over at the furniture that was already there, so atleast you didn't have to drag it in there. Thank you the rarely considerate God.

Anyways you started dragging the tables and chairs around before starting to set them up with all dem fancy shit that other families probably do, you pretty much fucking everything up but thankfully eventually getting it right after several tries and failures. "Pffft, imagine not being able to set up a table right Lmao." A voice said, you taking that sarcasm like it was a hair insult towards Josuke. "Fuck you say you little piece of shit!?" You asked before looking behind you to see a random D-Class with a obviously terrified face, you calming down a bit and assuming they were there to keep an eye on the Holy Peanut.

"Oi D-5164 shut up, don't enrage the staff." Another voice said, you looking over to see the ever so iconic Bright, well he was in a different body which was one of a female but the red eyes and amulet made it rather obvious. "Oh hey Bright, I see your in a new body." You said, Bright nodding in response. "Yup! Anyway's how have you been Y/N?" He, or she idk at this point asked, you know what we'll just go with she. "Life is still pain, how bout you Bright." You replied, "Also pain." She replied, the two of you staring at each other in awkward silence for a few moments.

"Anyway's, I assume you are here cause of Clef?" You asked, Bright nodding in response. "Yup, man's having me dress up The Holy Peanut and bring in the D-Class." She replied, you humming in response. "I see." You replied, Bright nodding in response before going over to the D-Bois and instructing them on where they should be, oh and making sure none of them escape. "Oh and Bright, may sound awkward but you got a nice chest there." You commented casually, Bright becoming flustered in response from your "casual" compliment. "Who tf says that as a compliment." One of the D-Bois muttered, you shrugging in response to the question, only reasons would be either that conversation was something you are not good at. I mean come on, you've come this far in the book.

"A-Ah yes, thank you Y/N." Bright said, you immediately noticing Bright's way of talking and smirking from your effect on him. "No problem, and by the way your flustered and stuttering it seems I have an effect on you as well." You said, Bright becoming even more flustered before quietly calming herself down and preparing to once again speak. "Indeed you do Y/N, but took you longer to figure it out darling~" She said, you also becoming flustered before thankfully being saved by Clef and two random guards entering with SCP-173, Bright noticing and going to make The Holy Peanut look smexy.

What the fucking hell did I just write.

While Bright worked on The Holy Peanut you had prepared for thee food, Clef sitting at one end of the table while you went on and used a random lighter to light the random candle, guess the man really thought of everything. Bright soon finishing making The Holy Peanut look smexy (A/N: Dear lord—) and thus the date between a fucking Peanut and Satan began, you bringing them the food once the two were ready to eat and then kinda just went off into the corner, Bright having an extra bottle of wine out of fucking nowhere and pouring the two a glass before proceeding to also stay in the corner with you.

"Damn this guy's weird." Bright muttered, you looking over at the mad lad with a "Bruh" face. "Bright, remember our agreement. This is definitely weird but probably the most fucking normal thing to happen at the Foundation." You said, Bright going into a mode of panik before you calmed the madlad down with some head pats and Choccy Mili cuz she epik. "Anyways, while Clef probably ends up fucking a Peanut wanna watch YouTube?" You asked, Bright immediately agreeing and the two of you ended up watching Helluva Boss with headphones on ur smol phone while Clef flirted with The Peanut, a few D-Bois had their neccs go crunch, and then eventually being busted by the Butterfly man himself Kondraki and then being reported to the 05 Council and heavily reccomanded for the breach and responsible for the deaths of several D-Class personnel, like they give a shit anyway's smh.

"Stupid Butterfly man." You muttered, currently mad at Kondraki, but atleast you got photos of the encounter that would forever be stored there. Yay. "Yeah, he really is a dick." Bright said, you looking over at the madlad and patting her head. "Yeah, man really is." You muttered and continuing to initiate Pet Pet mode on Bright's head, ngl her hair was rather soft and honestly felt nice to the touch. Not in a weird way or anything you just thought it was nice, well not weird yet. "Y/N, you can stop that now." Bright said, you simply shaking your head in reply. "Nope." You said while continuing to pat the madlad's head before eventually growing bored and deciding to fucking work like you all should be doing.

"Ight see ya my boi." You said while leaving, Bright waving you goodbye and being left alone for the time being. "God damn I miss their touch, eh oh well I can always ask." Bright thought before dismissing the fact and continuing on with the day.

...End of Chapter...

A/N: Hey bois and sorry for not posting sooner, Motivation decided to become my dad. Dad plesse return with the milk soon-

Anyway's I hope you all enjoyed, have a great day/night/morning/evening/noon and a great summer and I will see all of you once I have motivation.

SCP's Mentioned in this Chapter:

- SCP-106 "The Old Man"
Written By: Dr. Gears

- SCP-173 "The Sculpture" / Peanut God
Written By: Moto42

Word Count: 1593

"When two Immortals meet" | Dr. Bright x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora