The File of Y/N L/N

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Name: Dr. Y/N L/N, also answers to Y/N, Dr. Y/N, L/N, along with "Oh Lord don't", "Holy Shit", "Oh, my God!", "Son of a Bitch!", and other variants of those.

Security Clearance: Level 4. Has been suspected to already be apart of the 05 council, but the theory has been dismissed and all those in knowing except for certain employees have been amnestitized. We don't talk about that theory. Ever.

Profession: Researcher (Currently), former member of MTF Squad ■■■■■■■■■.

Location: Wherever required, mainly stationed at Site 19.

History: Y/N L/N serves as a researcher for the SCP Foundation, loyal to their cause and a professional at they're work. Has in the past observed to have rather chaotic, but such behavior has been reduced to a manageable size over the years. Y/N is preceded as a calm individual, doesn't speak much but will talk when necessary. Due to their ability of immortality, they have taken many risks and are rather laid back when it comes to their life and safety.

The way their immortality works is that when they die they will only be unconscious for a few hours, the subject takes on the the features of a deceased individual, but will always come back after a few hours. Any limbs that are lost will be returned upon revival, and if eaten alive, chopped up into pieces, burned to a crisp, ect, the body will simply regenerate back into one piece. Several test have been conducted with subject (See Tests ■■■■■■■■■, ■■■■■■■■■, [Data Expunged], and ■■■■■■■■■ for more info.

The first known date of their poweres being acknowledged has been 9/18/■■■■, on their way home from school they had been taken and murdered, buried out in the forest before coming back to life and returning to their home. The first time that their ability has been acknowledged by the foundation was during a Containment Breach caused by SCP-682 (See Incident Report 682-420-SN full details, which does not exist yet), the subject was among the few eaten alive by 682 while others had been simply killed. A few hours after SCP-682 had been recontained Y/N appeared in it's cell, causing yet another containment breach while subject Y/N was being removed from the area.

All those with Security Clearance Level 3 and above are allowed to know of Y/N's ability's, all those below Level 3 clearance are to be anesthetized. Only certain people that are below Level 3 clearance can know, examples as such being family and very close friends.

Additional Notes: Due to several reasons, Y/N is no longer allowed near SCP-914, along with SCP-106, SCP-610, SCP-1981, and SCP-2006. Along with going to certain sites such as Site ■■ and Site ■■, we don't like to talk about what happened there. We simply don't.

05 Note: Due to their trust being slowly earned back, they are once again allowed to be in Site ■■ and allowed near SCP-914.

- 05-■■

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