...Chapter Seven...

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"Now D-Boi, approach the paper on the desk there." You instructed, currently performing a test with SCP-He who shall not be named, the D-Class in the room wearing a video camera taped to their head and another on their chest. "It's rather amusing how you call them D-Bois, Y/N." Bright commented, currently sitting behind you while on his phone, honestly he was just goofing off while you actually worked. "Well Bright, your opinion is dog shit so you can start speaking once you get off your lazy yet thicc ass you utter waste of Hydrated Water and Diet Nutrition." You replied, Bright simply on shock while the D-Boi was laughing since they heard everything you had said.

"Damn bitch! You just got your ass roasted!" The D-Boi said, still laughing their ass off and trying not to completly die. That would have been bad. "Hold on a minute Y/N, if I heard you right you called my ass 'thicc', correct?" Bright asked while setting down his phone and going up towards you, causing you to be flustered and even somewhat intimidated, man was just giving off some menacing vibes ya know? "Well yes Bright, your ass is indeed dummy thicc. Just like my thicc thighs." You replied while smirking, Bright becoming flustered as well before smirking once again and deciding to be a prick and pin you against a nearby wall. "Well then Y/N, let's test that remark shall we~" He asked, basically the equivalent of asking for consent since consent is cool kids 😎 (A/N: Oh god I'm fucking terrible please somebody end me—)

"Oi dipshits, you can fuck later. Let's just get this test over with." The D-Boi said, you immediately snapping out of it and pushing Bright aside and going back to the mic where you could talk to the D-Boi. "Alright D-Class, approach the papers on the table and read outloud what you see." You instructed, the D-Boi approaching the papers and starting to read out the pictures on it. About a minute after that He who shall not be named arrived and grabbed the D-Boi, taking the poor D-Boi to who the fricks knows. "Oi, you there? Camera signal isn't working?" You asked, the goal was to see what and where info about He who Shall not he named disappears to. But sadly there wasn't a response so you just assumed the test had failed after a few minutes.

"They were a good D-Boi, may they rest in pepperoni." You muttered, Bright agreeing since it was sad that the poor D-Boi had lost their life for pretty much nothing, you knew no one gave a shit about the D-Bois since we had a literal infinite supply of D-Bois. But it was still kinda sad. "It's okay Y/N, it's okay." Bright said, going to hug you in an attempt of comfort, you smiling a bit and leaning into thy hug. Had to admit it was kinda nice hugging him, or in this case being hugged to be more exact. "Thanks Bright, you truly are a reliable guy." You said, closing your eyes and feeling like just full on sleeping. But that was quickly cut short by the sound of an alarm, you immediately opening your eyes while Bright was no longer hugging you.

"Alright, let's head to the breach shel-" But you unfortunately were cut off by a gunshot, which was directed towards Bright's forehead. "Ah fuck." You muttered, looking behind you to see several Chaos Insurgent members, it being pretty obvious who they were here for. "Alright dickheads, let's get this over with." You said, putting your hands up in surrender and about to willingly go with them, not much you could do aside die. You walking with them annoyed as fuck while being escorted out of the building and towards a nearby vehicle which was presumed to be the owned by Insurgent Team, a few D-Bois there as well which you assumed were ones that had escaped and now where going to join the Chaos Insurgency.

"Well atleast Bright won't have to suffer from these insufferable pricks. Same with D/N, hopefully." You thought, a gun being pointed to your back before you entered the vehicle. "Oi hurry it up." The CI member said, you glaring at them for a second before responding. "Hey dipshit, don't you dare ever put a gun to my back again. I do whatever the fuck I please and murdering you ain't far down my list of the shit I wish to commit. So shut up if you desire life." You replied, showing a menacing look before going into the van willingly after a moment or two of complete silence. "Bitch." You muttered, your focus still toward the guard that had their gun to your back.

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