...Chapter Four...

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It had been a few days after the small incident with Bright, you had told D/N about it yesterday since you just felt like you had to tell someone. It would have been Clef but you still wanted to be able to even breathe around Bright so you didn't, but you did most definently do whatever you could do to avoid any contact with Bright. Only when the Foundation forced the two of you to work together did you ever breathe around the man, other then that you'd go as far as getting intentionally killed just to not be around him.

But thankfully today was the day of Simon Glasses monthly employee evaluation! (A/N: Couldn't find any info on the employee evaluations since it's 1 AM when this is being written, and I'm just lazy-) Which was undoubtedly your favorite time of the month, mainly because you could actually talk to others and infect them with your own bullshit, oh and also you're much too lazy to schedule appointments. So you just waited for your turn, eventually being let in my Simon Glass who was prepared to listen to your problems while you just had to think while you talked. Wasn't a reliable strategy, but as long as you don't fuck up any words or shit like that you'll be fine.

"Good evening Dr. Y/N, glad to see you." Simon said, flashing you a small smile. "Hey Glass, glad to see you as well." You replied, already taking a seat and sitting Dio style because anytime is a good time for a JoJo reference. "Now Dr. Y/N, have you been facing any problems in the past month? And if so could you tell me about them? If you feel comfortable talking about it, of course." Glass asked, you averting your eyes for a bit before sighing and looking back at the reliable therapist. "Y-Yeah, aside from being in eternal existential dread and suffering there is another one." You muttered, hearing Glass write down a few notes before urging you to continue talking.

"Well, ever since the containment breach a few days ago with SCP-682 with Bright trying to ride it, things haven't been all that good per say. After the others went back to their original posts me and him had a conversation, I don't wanna go much into detail but towards the end was awkward as fuck to say the least. Since then I've been doing whatever is possible to avoid him, and I'd like to have your opinion on the matter." You said, Glass being silent for the time being before speaking up. "Well, if you want my own opinion on the matter it'd be best to confront him about it. And if possible try and mend things up with him, besides I'm sure it'd be for the best since you two will continue working together." Glass said, you considering it for a moment and then softly smiled.

"Yeah I'll make sure to do that, thanks Glass." You said, Simon nodding in response and giving you a small smile as well. "Anyways, we still got time left, I think atleast, so how you been Glass?" You asked, the rest of the session being just you and Glass talking, you allowing Glass to do majority of it since he most definently barely gets to talk about himself since he is literally paid to listen to other's bullshit, and talking isn't much of a skill you possessed outside of testing and whatever you are really passionate about. After your session was Iceberg's turn since he probably needed it the most out of pretty much everyone at the Foundation.

After that you returned to your office and hung out with D/N before it had struck lunch, you deciding fuck it and would just eat some fucking thermos Ramen with cut up hotdogs. "You sure you don't wanna join, Dr. Y/N?" D/N asked, "Yea I'm sure D/N." You replied while they simply nodded and left you to eat alone and watch every single asdfmovie in order. You being busy with eating while watching asdfmovie 9, specifically when Jimmy was "taking out" the dog, with headphones on, not at all noticing Bright being an absolute dick and sneaking behind you. "Hey Y/N!" He yelled while taking your headphones off, which caused you to stab him in the eye with your fork almost immediately. "Ah shit." You muttered while Bright rolled around on the floor with his hand over the eye you stabbed, screaming in absolute fucking agony.

One trip to the medics later, you had decided to wait for Bright to awaken since you both had to apologize for avoiding him the past few days and for stabbing his eye out, it may have for now on be best to keep the two of you apart. "Oh, hey Bright." You said quietly upon noticing he was awake, hesitating for a moment before speaking once again. "Sorry for accidentally stabbing your eye out, same with avoiding you the past few days." You muttered, an awkward silence between the two of you remaining til Bright spoke up. "It's okay Y/N I know you didn't mean to, also if you don't mind could I know why you were avoiding me?" He asked, you quickly explaining that it was because of the conversation the two of you had when he tried to ride SCP-682, it was honestly rather awkward towards the end with what was said. "Yeah makes sense, but with the fact you teased me relentlessly first it was fully deserved. Besides I even made you flustered." He replied while chuckling, you smiling a bit at him before showing a menacing aura. "Yeah yeah, but pull that shit again and I'll stab you with a fork in the other eye." You muttered, which definitely wasn't enough to scare Bright but he did feel a decent amount of paranoia.

"Alright then darling, I'll make sure I won't." He replied, "what'd I just say, bitch?" You asked while pointing an extra fork you had at his face cheek, making the man's heartbeat go from slight paranoia to the heartbeat of when your mom is home and you haven't cleaned the house yet like she asked. "A-Alright! I'll make sure I don't, and please don't stab me again." He said paniking, you simply chuckling in response and taking the fork away. "Good to know what terrifies you, now Arriverderci amigo, also I wouldn't mind hanging out with ya more man." You said before leaving, Bright about to speak but you had already left.

"God damn their terrifying, well atleast I ain't gotta worry about getting killed." He thought. "And honestly, wouldn't mind hanging out with them either."

...End of Chapter...

A/N: Greetings my bois, sorry this took longer then usual. I don't have much to say since it's almost 2 AM and my only motivation was Suction Cup Mans theme song and my brain coming up with random ideas, so all I really have to say is that I hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night, and I shall see y'all when I post again. Sayanora readers!

SCP's Mentioned in the Chapter:

- SCP-682 "Hard to Destroy Reptile"
Written By: Dr. Gears

Word Count: 1222

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