...Chapter Eight...

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You were currently in your office, it was after the lunch break and you decided to set up everything for the movie night with Bright, maybe even using some temporal anomalies to help set things up (Clef-). The task eventually being finished, you sighing in relief and flopping over onto the most comfortable thing in the room that wasn't the new couch, which was D/N's office chair. Pathetic.

"Atleast don't gotta worry about that anymore." You muttered, almost immediately getting interrupted by a facility guard. "Dr. Y/N L/N, I believe it is about time for your visiting time with SCP-053." The guard said, you looking at them for a second before getting up and grabbing a nearby guitar you had around for reasons I'm too tired to think of. This all being because 053 got word of the Karaoke night and was sad becsuse she couldn't be there due to her anomalous abilities, so you had promised her that later that day you'd sing a song for her so that she would hopefully feel happier.

And so leads to the events of now, you walking through the halls of the facility to visit SCP-053. Carrying your guitar while the facility guard briefed you, you not paying attention since you already knew the containment procedures and such and because you were silently deciding between two songs that were playable for you, well unless the reader is rather advanced and actually good. Then this be pretty awkward don't ya think? Oh well I should really stop with these fourth wall breaks don't ya think? Idk what your response is since this is being written pre-dating the release so I guess whatever you say doesn't really matter. Pathetic.

Alright back to the story, you continued walking with the Facility Guard til reaching 053's containment area, due to safety and containment procedures having to either talk behind a specially modified mirror or go in with special hazmad suits so you wouldn't be effected by 053's ability. You somehow being able to negotiate being able to only wear some specialized head gear you had picked up about 2 hours in advance and the gloves, of course being able to take them off when performing. And you probably got the guard(s) in a fuckton of trouble, so that's a big old F.

Anyway's you entered 053's cell, seeing her off in the corner playing with some instances of SCP-387, you smiling to see her and sitting in a nearby chair waiting and using the time to take off your gloves to properly play thee guitar. SCP-053 acknowledging your presence and said goodbye to the instances of SCP-387 before putting them away and turning to you. "Hey Dr. Y/N!" She said excitedly, about to go and hug you before realizing that you didn't have the full hazmat suit on and immediately backing away since she didn't want to effect you with her anomalous abilities.

"Hey 053, how ya doin?" You asked, SCP-053 sitting down infront of you and making sure not to be too close incase the two of you make skin-to-skin contact. "I'm doing good Dr. Y/N! How about you?" She replied, you smiling in response and saying you were doing well. "Now 053, you ready?" You asked, her nodding in response which you did the same. Mentally preparing yourself for a fee seconds before starting.

Towards the end a tear had slipped out since you miss our beloved Cherry Boi Noriaki Kakyoin as much as anyone else, but you were pretty much forced to hold them back. But you already knew you could either cry later or just silently cry when trying to sleep. You eventually finishing and quickly wiping the stray tear away. "Hey Dr. Y/N, are you doing okay?" 053 asked, you looking back at her and smiling. "Yeah I am, just got a bit sad towards the end. And thanks for asking." You replied, SCP-053 also smiling and nodding in response, you putting the guitar away before patting her head and saying your goodbyes now that you had lee gloves on.

"When two Immortals meet" | Dr. Bright x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz