"That's the reason. No one is down here this late except the occasional sailors coming back. So it's peaceful- one of the two peaceful places here." He explained, going to the edge on the wooden dock and going down to sit on the beaten up wood. The fairy lights did wonders on every aspect of what was happening. "Come sit."

Dream let his feet dangle off the side, barely skimming the blue water below, as Y/N came right next to him and copied his actions. "I used to come out here a lot when I was a kid, of course with a guard or else my father would've forbidden it." Dream explained, laughing slightly. "That's how I know how quiet it is if that was what you were wondering."

She looked at the water, how clear but the lightness of opaque looking as it kept going down. A far drop from the surface. You would have to swim for a while if you wanted to go to the bottom where most of the fishes and sea life would be. Where the prey hide from the predators and the predators hide from the humans.

She smiled. The water shimmered back.

He moved his legs to cross over each other, "You've been busy lately." Dream filled the comfortable silence between the two, "With Karl." The tone came from soft to a bit of malice. Y/N turned to him confused, and he just continued. "What have you guys been doing?"

Y/N widened her eyes. "Oh, I've just been helping around the library and sorting it with him. He has been needing help for a while now." She answered with a pre-written response,

"So you've just been- in the library?" He answered sceptically. Turning back from the water from his previous gaze at her, moving a bit to get comfortable on the impossible wood. She stayed silent. He backtracked. "I've looked in there a lot for you, and you never seem to be in there is all."

"Well, he does take me outside a bit for breaks. Must be unlucky timing." Her response was unreliable, she tried to pick a new one. "Oh! And he's been going to Phil's with me as well- y'know- Tommy, Wil, Techno, Tubbo, Phil? Their house?"

He didn't respond. But nodded numbly. "I trust you." Dream smiled, her smile only widened.

"I know you do. I trust you too,"

Silence fell over them yet again. She just looked at him and his continuous fidgeting. Trying to think why Karl let her go so quickly. And why he was so.. nervous, around her.

"Are you okay?" She asked slowly, he seemed to freeze up. "I've never seen you so fidgety."

The ocean splashed at them, wetting the bottom of her and his clothes. They didn't bother giving a reaction.

He ignored her question, switching it with his own. "So you were going to go down to the snowy area today? With Karl?"

Y/N stayed sceptical. "Yeah, just for an hour or so. I've been going down every day." She answered, one foot coming onto the wood while the other dangled off the side. The dim lights sparkled around them.

'Maybe he didn't hear.' Y/N thought, going to repeat herself. "Are you okay, Dream?"

"Yeah- I'm fine." He answered this time. "Perfect even."

'Okay. Now, this is weird.' Y/N spoke to herself, muttering an "Okay." Before looking back at the water.

The small silence continued.

"The waters nice." Y/N stared at it, murmuring her thoughts. "I've never really been around this part of the kingdom- so it's nice to just, be here. I guess."

He only nodded. A hand going into one of his side pockets on his pants. "It's getting a bit cold,-" She started again, "-do you want to go to the market and get some food or whatever?"

The Time Travelling Life | Dreamwastaken x Reader | Royalty AUWhere stories live. Discover now