Arthur nodded. "you're right, this is not the time to worry about these things, the kingdom is still recovering from the battle and the loss of their king."

"Former king." Merlin corrected him in a tone that didn't allow any arguments, giving him that warning look that said, 'people like you as a king and you better believe it because you're better than he ever was'. Arthur held his hands up in  surrender. Merlin could look threatening if he wanted to, that was still something he needed to get used to. 

Yet, Arthur felt the need to defend his father and he hated himself for it. After all that he'd done? To his sister? To all those innocent people he executed? Still there was this voice inside of him, burned in by Uther, that told him he needed to respect his father. Even though he was dead.

Uther had always trained Arthur to obey him and not to speak against him or he'd spend the night, sleeping in the dungeons. Still better than what Morgana got... Arthur took a deep breath to compose himself. He'd feel alone in that dark cell sometimes, Morgana would always make sure to sneak past the guards and stay with him for a bit, talking, listening. Just so he wouldn't feel abandoned.

But Morgana, she never got a visit from him when she was in that room. No, she had to endure those nights alone, shackled to the wall, cuffs pressing into her wrists and no one to tell her it was going to be okay, he was there, she was not alone and he was watching over her like a big brother should.

She had no one.

Only Gwen to comfort her after it was over. She'd told them how she had tried to get past the security the moment she found out and almost got caught because, apparently, there were three guards keeping an eye on her. 

Arthur couldn't help but think that that was the reason she was always so calm and indifferent towards injuries. She'd even patched him up when he was wounded and there weren't enough people to help everyone at the same time. She knew how to bind a cut. She'd known, because she'd been forced to learn. 

But now, it would never happen again, Uther was gone and he didn't deserve Arthur's protection. So he refrained from saying anything and just smiled. Merlin seemed satisfied with his response and quickly pecked him on his mouth. "Love you." He whispered when he was close enough to his ear.

"I love you too." Arthur said with a more genuine smile now, and he spun around to kiss Merlin. It felt like the best thing in the world to have Merlin's lips against his. He'd never get used to that. It was like he could feel a presense, a comforting warmth everytime they kissed. Like the air was vibrating.

They broke apart, Merlin having a wide grin on his face. Arthur cupped his cheek, feeling Merlin relax and lean into the touch, sighing happily. God, he wished Merlin would smile like that all the time.

"But we still need to be prepaired if it's a trap." Arthur noted, still not convinced. Merlin clicked his tongue, visibly a bit annoyed by Arthur's worry, but still smiling. "You have me, you dimwit." He shoved him in his shoulder with a grin. "Oh, right." Arthur remembered. "Of course." It was still difficult for him to see Merlin as someone who could protect anyone, he really needed to wrap his brain around the fact that he was a sorcerer, perfectly capable of that.

"Alright, then. Just you and me."

"Like always."

"Like always, yeah."

They smiled at each other. Just you and me. That was enough, they'd survived the worst together. on the other hand, most of the times it's because of us that we get in trouble. Arthur aggressively shoved that thought to the back of his head.

Always Be With You - MerthurWhere stories live. Discover now