Letting Go

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3 Months Later

Amber was still in a coma and Kelly stayed right by her side no matter what. If he wasn't at work he was at the hospital.

It was almost time for Kelly to leave for his shift. Normally he would just sit there and not speak but this morning was different, he was starting to lose hope that Amber would ever wake up.

Kelly picked up Amber's hand and placed a kiss to the back of it. He kept ahold of her hand as he felt the tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Amber, baby, I love you. But if your tired of fighting I'll understand. I wish we would of had a chance to give us another shot but maybe it just wasn't meant to be." Kelly took in a sharp breath as he felt himself starting to shake.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I would give anything to have you back in my arms. Rest easy baby. We will see each again someday." Kelly placed a kiss to her forehead. He pressed his forehead against hers before grabbing his bag and heading to work.

The drive to the firehouse was a silent one as Kelly tried to regain his composure. He was expecting a call from Connor telling him Amber was gone. But Will was her medical power of attorney and wouldn't take her off the vent unless he was 100% sure she wouldn't wake up.

Kelly pulled up to the firehouse and parked his car. He headed inside and straight to his office, he very rarely spent time at the squad table anymore. No one bothered him because he would usually snap or not say anything.

Later that afternoon Casey decided today may be a good day to check on Kelly because he seemed more upset than usual. Casey hesitated but then softly knocked on Kelly's office door.

Kelly was laying on his bunk and didn't even pay attention to the fact Casey was at his office door. Casey sighed and entered anyways. "Severide?"

"What Casey?" Kelly was staring up at the ceiling not wanting to look at Casey as he knew his eyes were red and puffy.

"Did... Did..." Casey stumbled over his own words as he tried to ask Kelly if Amber was gone.

Kelly looked at his best friend who appeared he was getting ready to cry as well. Kelly knew what Casey was trying to ask. "She's not gone." Casey released the breath he had been holding in. "But I told her if she was tired and wanted to stop fighting I understood."

Casey felt for Kelly and how much letting Amber go hurt him. "I'm so sorry man."

Kelly sat up in his bed. "I couldn't save her. I was suppose to save her." Kelly began to sob at the thought that Amber was actually gone.

Casey walked over and sat on Kelly's bunk and wrapped him in a hug. "Unfortunately we can't save everyone Kelly. In his line of work you know that. Somethings are just out of our control and the damage is just to great to fix."

Casey's words only made Kelly cry more and shake with anger. He was suppose to save her. He was suppose to always be there for her.

Kelly was brought out of his thoughts when there was another knock at his office door. He looked up to see Cruz standing there, he motioned for him to enter.

"What is it Cruz?"

"Lieutenant Connor and Will have been trying to call you. They need you at med now." Kelly had left his phone in his bag and it must of been on silent.

Kelly jumped up and ran out to squad. "Load up Squad!" Casey grabbed the truck crew and everyone loaded up to head to Chicago med.


Amber was sitting in a bright white room still holding her little girl. She had no sense of time and didn't care because she had her baby in her arms.

"Amber, baby, I love you. But if your tired of fighting I'll understand. I wish we would of had a chance to give us another shot but maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

Amber started to look around the room, she heard Kelly's voice she thought.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I would give anything to have you back in my arms. Rest easy baby. We will see each again someday."

"Kelly??" Amber started to look around more frantically.

Shay, Andy, and Jay all appeared out of nowhere. Amber had to make a decision she could no longer stay where she was.

"Amber it's time." Jay sat down next to her on the bed. "You have too choose."

Amber stared at Jay with tears in her eyes she didn't want to leave but part of her was telling her she had too. She looked down at her daughter and smiled.

"We will take good care of her. We promise." Andy said as he held out his hands for Amber to hand her baby over.

"I love you sweet girl." Amber placed a kiss to her daughters forehead before handing her to Andy.

"Go live your life. You have so much more to accomplish and so many more lives to save." Jay knew exactly what to say to her and his smile melted her heart every time.

"I love you Jay."

"I love you too." Jay placed a kiss to her forehead. "Tell my brother that I am okay and I am with mom. Tell him to take it easy on you and let you be happy with Kelly."

"I will." Amber watched as Jay walked backwards and disappeared.

Shay came over and hugged Amber. "Tell Kelly to be there for you always."

" I will." The girls hugged one last time and then Shay backed away and disappeared just like Jay.

"Go be with Kelly." Andy said before giving her a big goofy grin.

"I plan too."

Andy backed away and then disappeared like Shay and Jay both had. Amber started to look around trying to figure out how she could get back to Kelly.

Amber stood up and started walking trying to figured how to go home. As she walked around she noticed the room started to get darker. Amber felt this sense of panic and started to run.

But the darkness soon swallowed her up and the last thing Amber heard was a distant voice yelling.


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