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4 weeks later

Kelly and Amber were spending all the time they could together. Rather it was being competitive at the fire academy or going to dinner on a Friday night. They some how managed to to separate the two. What happened at the fire academy stayed there the second they walked out the doors.

Kelly was walking into the classroom at the fire academy. Andy and Matt were already there chatting.

"Hey Kelly. Amber back?"

"Yeah she got back late last night so she should be here." Kelly took his seat behind Andy.

"Did she say how the trip went?" Matt and Andy had turned in their seats so they could face Kelly.

"She said she got to see her parents all day Saturday and then spent yesterday sitting on the beach in Miami." The instructor walked into the room and began going over that weeks agenda.

Kelly shot off a quick text to Amber asking where she was.

Amber: Sick
Kelly: I'll stop by after I leave the academy today.
Amber: I'm okay Kelly. Just a stomach bug.
Kelly: I'm still stopping by.

Kelly shoved his phone back in his pocket so he could pay attention to what they were doing that day.


After Kelly was done at the fire academy he drove over to Amber's house and pressed the buzzer. A few seconds later the gates came open and Kelly drove up to the house.  Kelly's phone dinged signaling a new message.

Amber: Door open. I am in my room laying down. Can you please feed Sunny and Cher before coming upstairs?

Kelly: Of course babe.

Kelly parked his car and headed inside. Sunny and Cher of course greeted him at the door. Kelly rubbed and patted both of their heads before going to feed them.

Once they were taken care of Kelly made his way up to Amber's room. He knocked and then opened the door. Amber was laying in bed flipping through Netflix trying to find something to watch.

"Hey babe."

"Hey Hun."

Kelly walked over and placed a kiss to her temple before taking off his shoes and laying down next to her. "You feeling any better?"

"I think so. May of just been a 24 hour stomach bug." Amber put the remote down so she could turn on her side and look at her amazing boyfriend.

"That's good. How are your parents?"

"Their good. It was so nice being able to see them." Amber was smiling at Kelly.

"I bet hun." Kelly opened his arms allowing Amber to curl into his chest, breathing in his scent. "I missed you"

"I miss you too Kel." Suddenly Amber's stomach started to turn again causing her to jump up from Kelly's arms and head straight into the bathroom. Amber had just made it to the toilet before she began throwing up.

Kelly followed close behind her, kneeling down next to her and holding her hair away from her face. Once Amber had finished getting sick she collapsed into Kelly's arms. Her chest would rise and fall with each shaky breath Amber took.

Kelly held her close as they sat on the bathroom floor. "Do you want to go see someone?"

Amber looked up to see a very concerned Kelly watching her every move. "I'm fine Kelly. This will pass." Amber stood up so they could headed back to her bed. When Kelly stood up he picked Amber up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently. Kelly crawled in next to her and held her close.

This same thing kept repeating itself for the next couple hours. Amber was becoming increasingly more pale every time she got sick.

Amber had just finished another round of throwing up when she collapsed back into Kelly's arms. "Is this how you've been all day?" Kelly wiped away the sweaty hair that was sticking to her face.

"Yeah pretty much."

"Amber why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't see a reason for us to both miss today." Amber quickly sat up before Kelly had the chance to respond, putting her head back into the toilet bowl.

After this round of throwing up, Amber collapsed into Kelly's arms. "Amber?" This time Amber had passed out. "Shit." Kelly scooped Amber up and took her to his car. He drove straight to lakeshore. "I've got you baby. You're going to be alright."

Amber was still passed out laying in his passenger seat. Kelly pulled up to lakeshore and carried her inside. They were rushed into a trauma room where Kelly was instructed to lay her down so they could get to work.


It had been a couple hours since Kelly had brought Amber into lakeshore. They had started to give her IV fluids, medication for nausea, and ran some blood test. Amber has been unconscious the whole time.

Kelly was starting to fall asleep to the steady beeping of the machines but then he felt someone tap his arm. Kelly raised his head up from the side of Amber's bed. He looked up to see her hazel eyes looking back at him.

"Hey there." Kelly stood up and placed a kiss to her forehead.

"Hey. What happened?" Amber was looking around the hospital room she was in.

Kelly sat back down into his chair. "You passed out after throwing up. I rushed you here to lakeshore. You've been out for a couple hours."

"Oh. They tell you anything?"

"No they wouldn't since we are just dating. But let me go check and see if someone can come talk to you now."

"Thank you Kelly."

Kelly stood back up and leaned over to place another kiss to Amber's forehead. "You're welcome babe." Kelly paused for a moment and took in a deep breath. "I love you Amber."

Amber looked right up at Kelly who was hovering over her. "I love you too Kelly." Kelly leaned down and captured her lips with his for a sweet kiss before heading out to find a doctor.

Kelly came back a few minutes later with a doctor in tow. "Good to see you awake Ms. Rose. I am Dr. Young." Kelly took his seat in the chair, while the doctor walked over to Amber's bedside.

"Any idea of why this happened?"

"Yes actually." Kelly and Amber both looked at the doctor completely focus on what he was going to say next. "You're around 5 weeks pregnant."

The room fell silent. Both Amber and Kelly were shocked to their core. Neither of them even thinking that was what Dr. Young was going to say.

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