Lincoln Park

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Amber looked at her phone one more time before knocking on the apartment door. She could hear voices from the other side of the door. It got quiet and the door opened reveling Kelly with beer in hand.

"Hey Amber. Glad you could make it." Kelly flashed her one of his mesmerizing smiles. Amber felt her knees go weak but quickly recovered.

"Thanks for the invite." Kelly moved to the side to allow her to enter the apartment and close the door. Amber recognized Matt and Andy from the academy but she didn't know the women that were there.

"Hallie Heather this is Amber Rose. She's training to be a fighter fighter. Amber that's Hallie Matt's girlfriend and Heather Andy's girlfriend." The women all said hello. "Beer?"

"Sure." Kelly headed to where Amber guess was the direction of the kitchen.

"Sit down Rose. We don't bite... Well Kelly might." Andy winked at Amber.

Amber laughed a little and then took the open seat on the love seat. It was definitely that type of love seat that someone's parents had in the 80's and then was stored in the basement for years.

Kelly came back a few minutes later carrying another open beer which he handed to Amber before taking his seat next to her.

"Thanks." Amber took a swig of her beer.

Hallie was sitting on the floor in front of Matt who was sitting on the couch. "So Amber tell us about yourself."

"Not much to tell. Grew up in Chicago. Graduate high school with a 4.0. Only child. Two loving parents who spend half the year in Chicago and the other half in Florida."

"What part of Chicago you from?"

Amber hesitated because she knew how they were going to react when she told them where she grew up. "Lincoln Park." She had barely gotten the words out before everyone was just staring at her.

Heather asked the question everyone was thinking. "So your like rich?"

Amber took a drink of her beer. "No. My parents are rich and I'm learning how to make my own way."

"Well that's cool I guess. So why chose to be a firefighter?"

Amber felt like she was getting the third degree from Hallie and Heather, like they wanted to make sure she would fit in. "For as long as I can remember I've always enjoyed helping people."

"Why not be a doctor? That's what Hallie is doing."

Kelly was getting annoyed by his friends girlfriends asking Amber so many questions. "Because I want to be there the second something goes wrong. It has been proven that actions firefighters and paramedics take can improve the person's chance of survival."

"Huh interesting." By now Kelly was shooting both girls a death glare, telling them to shut up.

There was a knock at the door and everyone exchanged a look. Like they weren't expecting anyone else. Matt got up and looked through the peephole and groaned.

"Kelly it's Renee."

Kelly laid his head back and groaned. "I'll deal with her." Kelly got up and left the apartment. They could hear the two having a heated exchange. From what Amber could make out she was his ex-fiancé.

The door came open and Kelly was stepping back in "Renee you need to leave. We are over for good."

"Kelly please." She must of been drunk because she was slurring her words.

"No Renee. Leave." Kelly was trying to block her from entering the apartment.

Renee tried to push past Kelly but was unsuccessful. Renee did catch site of Amber sitting there. "Whose she?"

"SHE is none of your concern Renee. Now leave." Kelly wasn't going to give into her. She had broke his heart and he was done.

"Oh I see. It all makes sense now. You've already replaced me." Renee's mascara was running down her face due to her tears.

"Renee you have got to stop this! We've been over for 6 months. Please leave before I have to call the cops."

Renee looked like she was going to protest but then decided better of it and took off down the hallway. Kelly closed the door and just leaned his back against it. "I need something stronger than beer."

"Sorry man. Alex was only able to get us beer." Kelly groaned at Matt's response.

"I'm sure I have something at my parents house if you really want something stronger."

Kelly looked at Amber "Sounds good to me."

"Everyone's welcome to come." Amber smiled and finished her beer before standing up.

"Why not let's go see how the other half live." Andy joked and everyone laugh except Amber. It was a joke that she was use to hearing.

Everyone grabs their belongings and head outside to their cars. Amber walks over to her Hellcat Dodge Challenger. Everyone just kind of stared at her.

"Amber can I ride with you so we don't have to take 4 cars?"

"Sure." Amber called over her shoulder. Kelly made his way to her passenger side and climbed in. Once Kelly was situated Amber started to drive to her parents house. Andy and Matt following close behind her.

Kelly raised an eyebrow. "Thought you said your parents were rich."

Amber snuck a look at Kelly before turning her attention back to the road. "This was a high school graduation present."

Kelly laughed. "Want to know what my high school graduation present was? An application to the CFD."

Amber laughed. "Okay so maybe I do have some advantages to having rich parents."

Kelly laughed and Amber continued to drive to her parents. Amber pulled up to the gate to her parents house and put the code in. The black gates creaked as the slid open.

They all pulled the cars in and the gates closed. They drove up the driveway to the house and parked out front of the house. Everyone climbed out of their cars and stared up at the house.

"Does it come with a map?"

Amber laughed. "No Matt it doesn't come with a map. Come on." Amber lead the group inside the house. Amber flipped on the lights. Everyone of course just stared at the tiffany fixtures, the wood floor and the grand staircase.

Suddenly you could hear the sound of something running their way with a clicking on the floor. A few seconds later 2 great Dane's came into view. "Sunny!  Cher!" The dogs came right up to Amber each taking a turn to put their paws on her shoulders and licking her face.

The dogs then went to go sniff the new people they didn't know. "Sunny! Cher! go lay down. They don't want dog slobber all over their clothes." The dogs obeyed and took back off in the direct they came from.

"Beautiful dogs."

"Thank you. They are show dogs." Amber started to walk down the foyer. "Follow me." Everyone followed Amber into the kitchen and then she opened another door and walked in.

The group walked up to the door and looked inside. There was all kinds of alcohol. "Whatcha want Kelly?"

"Uh any whisky would do."

Amber nods and grabs an unopened bottle of Jack Daniel's Single Barrel Select. She handed Kelly the bottle and grabbed a few glasses. "There's beer in the fridge." Amber pointed to what looked like a cabinet but was actually a fridge.

Matt opened it and grabbed out a couple beers for the rest of them. "Beer Amber?"

"No I'm gonna drink whisky with Kelly." Amber leads them outside onto the patio and everyone takes a seat.

Heather and Hallie were amazed at how cool Amber was and not stuck up. "Amber this was really nice of you."

"Don't mention it. I think we are all going to be great friends." Amber poured Kelly and her a glass of whisky. She handed a glass to Kelly and then held hers up. "Cheers."

"Cheers." They all clanked their drinks and enjoyed an evening together.

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