Accident or Murder?

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Once the fire is out Hank and Erin wait for confirmation that there is a body in Jay's apartment. Kelly volunteered to go look.

Kelly entered Jay's apartment it was completely covered in ash and everything had turned to a black color. Kelly saw something on the couch so he went to investigate. "Chief. I'm in Jay's apartment."

"What do you see Severide?"

"Theres a body on the couch burned beyond recognition." Kelly looks over the body. "Chief. I think this is where the fire started."


Kelly looks closer at the body. "Murder and arson. I can make out a gunshot wound to the victims forehead."

"Alright Severide. You know the drill."

"Copy that Chief."

"I'm so sorry Hank." Chief Boden knew Hank was about to tear Chicago apart looking for Jay's killers.

"Thanks Chief." Hank looks at his team. "Erin and I will be going to Chicago med. The rest of you stay and begin the investigation."

"Sarg you know they won't let us investigate this case. Conflict of interest."

Hanks face becomes red with rage. He got right up in Adams face. "Ruzek I don't give a damn if the president of the united states is telling us to stand down. We will be working this case end of discussion!"

"Yes sir..."

"Erin let's go to med." Hank wraps an arm around Erin's shoulder as he leads her to his SUV.

When they arrived at Chicago med they walked in and over to Maggie.



"Where's Dr. Halstead and Dr. Rose?"

"Doctors lounge."

Hank nodded and him and Erin headed into the doctors lounge. Will and Amber were both still asleep on the couch. Hank stops for a moment realizing when he wakes them their world is going to completely change.

"Will. Amber." Hank shakes them gently trying to get them to wake up.

Amber opens her eyes and begins to blink trying to wake up. "Hank?" Amber moved her eyes towards Erin and see it's obviously she's been crying. "What's wrong?"

Before Hank can say anything Erin starts crying again. "I'm so sorry." Both doctors look at Hank wondering what Erin was talking about.

"There was a fire at Jay's apartment." Amber instantly feels her heart drop to her stoamch. "The CFD found a body and... and we believe it is Jay. He was murdered."

"H... how do you know it's my bother?" Will was rubbing his hands together trying to contain his anger.

"Because I sent him home to get some rest. DNA will be used to confirm." Will gets up and kicks a chair into the wall.

Amber had completely tuned everyone else in the doctors lounge out. She felt her world crashing down once again. Now their fight they had this morning seems so pointless.

Amber gets up off the couch and collects her personal items. She walks out of the doctors lounge completely ignoring Will, Erin and Hank as they shouted her name. Amber went straight to a liquor store and bought a bottle of whisky. She cracks the bottle open in her car and begins to drive around chicago.


Amber  eventually ends up at firehouse 51 completely drunk. She walks up the driveway carrying the whisky bottle that had maybe a few swallows left.

Casey sees Amber stumbling up the driveway as him and Otis were doing a check over 81. The rest of team had gone to bed.

"Otis go wake Severide. Now."

Otis follows Casey's eyes and sees Amber  coming their way. "You got it lieutenant." Otis jobs off to the bunks to go wake Kelly. Otis knocks on the door and hears Kelly grumble something. He slowly opens the door. "Lieutenant."

"What do you want Otis I was almost asleep."Kelly was still laying face down not even bothering to get up.

"Uh Casey sent me to get you. Amber is here."

Kelly groans. "Fuck. okay." He gets out of bed and follows Otis out to the apparatus floor.


"Amber?" Casey starts to walk towards her.

"Jay's dead!" Amber's eyes were blood shoot.

"I know." Casey felt terrible for Amber. "You want to come in and chat?"

"No I don't want to chat Casey!" Amber takes a drink from her bottle. "I want this god damn city to stop taking the people I love away from me!"

"I'm so sorry Amber."

Casey apologizing sent Amber off the deep end. "You're sorry? You? What the hell could you of done! Someone murdered Jay! You have nothing to be sorry for! You didn't kill him!" Amber finishes off the rest of the Whisky bottle.

"Amber did you just buy that bottle tonight?"

Amber groans. "What do you think?" Just as Casey had feared.

"Why don't you come crash on one of the bunks?" Casey wasn't going to let her drive not like that. He's happy that she didn't wreck.

"I'm fine Casey." Amber starts to walk back to her car.

"Amber if you leave I am calling Hank!" Casey was desperate and would do anything to keep her from driving.

Amber stops and turns around to face Casey. "Go right the fuck ahead! I'm fine Casey!"

"Stop trying to act all tough! You are not fine! You are far from it!" Amber crossed her arms and glared at Casey.

Otis and Kelly had walked onto the apparatus floor as Casey and Amber argued. They are a few feet behind Casey before he starts yelling at Amber again.

"The same way you were fine when Will called me from New York trying to find your parents because you decided to take a handful of pills!?" Severide stops walking. He is in complete shock, Casey never told him about that phone call.

"Go to hell Casey!" Amber caught sight of Kelly over Casey's shoulder and she just freezes. Casey then felt as if someone was standing behind him. He turns around and sees Severide and Otis standing there.

Kelly goes to say something but then he sees Amber starts to puke right there on the firehouse driveway. Casey unfortunately heard it before he saw it which was almost worse.

The three men run over to Amber to make sure she was okay. Otis grabs the empty whisky bottle from her hand while Kelly and Casey kept her steady. "Your staying Amber."

Amber didn't have the energy to argue with Kelly and decided to just go lay down. Kelly and Casey start to lead Amber into the firehouse.

"Otis?!" Casey shouts over his shoulder

"Yes lieutenant?"

"Clean up that vomit."

"Isn't that a candidates job?"

"Well do you see a candidate on our shift?" Otis starts to stutter before being cut off by Casey. "Didn't think so. Now clean that up."

"Yes Lieutenant."

Casey and Kelly headed inside with Amber while Otis cleaned up her vomit. Trying not to vomit himself.

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