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Amber was adjusting her black dress in her mirror. Trying to make sure she looked alright. Kelly was standing in her doorway watching her adjust every aspect of her dress.

"You look beautiful."

Amber looked in her mirror and she could see Kelly standing there in his dress blues. "Thanks Kelly." Amber tried to smile but it felt so forced and fake. "Let's get going."

Amber and Kelly headed out of her house and too Kelly's car. Once they were both seated Kelly drove to the cemetery where Jay was to be buried.

Amber thought it maybe best to Kelly about what had happened the other just in case something happened at the funeral. "Will isn't speaking to me."

"What? Why?" Kelly was in shock. From everything he had heard they were inseparable.

"After I left the firehouse the other day I want to Will's." Amber wiped a tear off her cheek. "He was upset that I went to the firehouse. He was upset that I staid with you." Amber nibbles on her bottom lip trying to contain her emotions. "He said I already went crawling back to you before Jay's body was even cold." Her voice began to crack with emotion.

"I'm sorry Amber." Kelly took hold of her hand. "It's all going to be okay." He squeezed her hand trying to comfort her. Amber watched out the window for the rest of the drive.

As they entered the cemetery Amber could see the guys from 51, intelligence, 21st district, her coworkers from chicago med, and then there was Jay's ranger buddies.

Kelly pulled his car up behind the others and parked. He exited the vehicle and went over to open Amber's door holding out his hand for her.

Amber took Kelly's hand and stepped out of his car. Kelly closed the door and they headed over to the guys from 51. "Hey kid."

"Hey Hermann." the two exchanged a hug.

"How you holding up?"

"The best I can." Amber was already trying to fight back more tears.

One of Jay's ranger buddies came walking over to Amber. "Hey short stack." Amber turned around and smiled.

"Mouse." Amber engulfed him in a hug. "I'm so glad you are here."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world."

The two parted from their hug. "How long you in town for?"

"Just for today. Gotta head back to the sandbox." Mouse could see Amber was disappointed so he grabbed her hand and squeezed. "I'll be back before you know it and then we can get a beer for Jay."

Amber nodded her head. "Sounds good." Amber stopped holding her tears back and let them slowly fall down her face. Mouse gave her another hug holding her tight.

Everyone then started to make their way to the burial spot. As they got closer Amber could see the coffin with the American flag laid over it. A picture of Jay smiling was on a stand. Amber missed his smile so much. Seeing the photo just reminded her how much.

Amber stands between Erin and Kelly. She looks across the way and locks eyes with Will. He immediately looks away from her, causing Amber to feel a pain in her heart.

The priest beings his speech and honoring Jay's life. The guys from his ranger unit fold up the flag and give Jay his 21-gun salute. Jay's flag was then handed to Will before everyone started to disburse.

Amber had cried through out the whole funeral. Kelly and Erin both tried to comfort her the best they could. Erin wrapped an arm around Amber's shoulder while walking back to Kelly's car.


When she heard her name she stopped in her tracks. She knew the voice. She knew it was Will. She took a deep breath before turning back around. "Will?"

Kelly was preparing to have to punch Will if he yelled or said one wrong thing to Amber.

Will sucked on his bottom lip trying to hold back his tears. "I'm sorry." Amber was shell shocked. "I said some pretty horrible things to you and I shouldn't have. I think I was upset because you went to the firehouse instead of coming to me. I'm a total mess."

"I know Will. Part of me couldn't go to your place because of all the memories and thinking Jay would walk in at any moment."

"I... I think Jay would want you to have this." Will walked closer to Amber and held out the folded up flag.

Amber looked down at the flag and then back up at her best friend. "I can't Will."

"He would want you to have it."

Amber laid a hand on the flag and feeling as if her heart was in a million pieces. "Thank you." Amber took the flag from Will.

"I need my best friend back. I need my scary movie buddy. I need my work best friend. I lost my bother and I can't lose my sister too." Will had tears streaming down his face by that time he was done talking. He knew he had severely messed up.

"I was never going anywhere." Amber wrapped Will in a hug. They both held onto one another and cried with the flag between them.

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