"Yeah, why is it taking them so long? Ben and I have been dating for a couple months now, same with you and Frank, right?" Honey asked. As soon as Alice heard his name, a blush formed on her skin, sending Honey into a teasing mode.

Though, before Honey could start, the sound of Ben and the Marauders began to echo through the corridor and soon enough, the boys came into view. 

"Hello, Beautiful." Ben spoke, placing a kiss on Honey's cheek and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Hi." Honey smiled half-heartedly. Sensing her discomfort, Ben started to withdrawal his hand, but stopped when she placed her hand over his and brought it back around her waist.

"Are the others inside?" James asked, looking forward to seeing a special red head.

"It's girl drama hour." Honey sighed, taking her own arm and wrapping it around Ben, starting to walk away from the group. 

"Where are you two going?" Peter asked, though winced when Sirius swatted his arm.

"There gonna go shag in the other compartment obviously." Sirius then laughed when Peter began to turn red.

"Shut up Sirius! We're gonna go check on our bands." Honey laughed back at the group before disappearing down the corridor.

"So, do tell, what's going on in there?" James asked, rubbing his hands together, excited to hear what the girls were talking about.

Remus, half listening, had a Liam Handley book up and glancing to the group everyone once and awhile to show his presence. 

"It's nothi-"


A shriek echoed from the inside of thee corridor, which lead the group to immediately open the door, only to find Lily and Aries standing on the seats and holding onto Marlene in horror.

"I can't do it if your holding onto me!" Marlene yelled.

"You're my shield! The heck I'm letting go!" Lily yelled.

"It jumped again!!" Aries yelled.

"Let me get it!" Marlene yelled back

"What is going on!" Remus asked as the girls all looked at the now open door.

"Oh! That's good! Leave the door open! It'll leave!" Lily yelled as she crushed Marlene closer to her.

Sirius all of the sudden started laughing when he figured out why the girls were so scared.

"It's not funny!" Aries screeched when she saw the eight legged creature start to crawl up on the seat they were standing on, "It's coming for me! Someone kill it!" Aries yelled when the group just stood there.

"Its...a spider." James said, staring at it like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Its so cute!" Alice giggled as she walked up to it and placed her hand in front of it, letting the spider crawl onto her hand. 

"It's not cute! It's a deadly! Terrifying! Creature!" Lily yelled.

"No, Aliceeeee" Marlene complained, knowing Alice would grow attached and not want it to be killed.

"It was a spider." Peter shook his head at the girls while Sirius doubled over in laughter.

"Yeah, and I want to kill it. Let me at it!" Marlene struggled against Aries and Lily.

"No! I want to keep it!" Alice yelled, but let out a shriek when Marlene suddenly broke free and began to chase Alice out of the compartment and down the corridor.

"Well, there goes the spider, so you girls can get down now." Remus chuckled slightly at there frazzled state. Both him and James offering a hand to them while Sirius began to compose himself.

Aries took Remus's hand, but didn't make any move to get down, while Lily quickly got down and seemed to forget to stop holding James's hand for a moment. Which James didn't seem to mind.

"Aries." Remus spoke gently, pulling her hand towards him slightly. With a slight glance over, she began getting off the seat and glared at Sirius while he wiped the tears from his eyes.

While Sirius was busy still composing himself, he didn't have time to duck and cover when Aries swatted his head, not once not twice, but three times. Making him wince and let out a rather high pitched shriek. 

Remus only shook his head, a small smile on his face as James began to laugh over Sirius and Aries sibling like torture.

Two hours later, the boys had left the compartment, Honey had come back and the girls had fallen asleep on the train, only when a sudden chill had taken place over the girl did they wake.

Seeing as they were still not at the train station and near the middle of no where, the girls frowned at each other and looked out the window. The glass was frosty, another chill passed by the girls making them shiver.

"What is that?" Marlene asked as Aries held a shivering Alice.

A figure showed outside their compartment door, which slowly began to open. The figure became known to Aries as a gasp left Lily. 



So, is it just me or did anyone else think of Draco Malfoy yelling "Dementor! Dementor!" when I wrote that in? Hehe just me? Cool. 

Another day, another chapter. If anyone has any ideas or thoughts about what might happen, feel free to leave a comment, I'm always looking for more inspiration.

Thank you for 60k! Love you all! -Brooke

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