"Good thing I didn't do that..." He thought to himself.

"Thanks for the ride," she said.

"But we didn't-" he stopped himself as she already got out of the car, hurrying back to her dorm.

"Talk about our situation," he spoke to himself and sighed.

Though this evening didn't end the way he wanted, his lips still curved up as he watched her retreating figure.

"You're still a pain in the ass," he chuckled. "But I've learned to love that side of you."


After multiple twists and turns, Seulgi finally accepted the fact that she wasn't going to be sleeping tonight. With a tired sigh, she moved the covers away from her and got out of bed and headed to the kitchen with small and quiet steps.

"Couldn't you sleep either?" she heard as she entered the kitchen.

She turned on the lights and saw Seungwan standing by the fridge, holding a bottle of water. Seulgi shook her head sideways and walked towards the pantry, taking out her can of original flavored pringles.

"So," Seulgi spoke and sat down by the table. "What's keeping you awake?"

"The amount of caffeine in my body," Seungwan chuckled. "I didn't know five cups of coffee could keep me awake for this long."

Seulgi rolled her eyes. "No shit."

"I saw Taeyong driving out of our parking lot when I got home," Seungwan then brought up, sitting on the chair next to Seulgi. "How's everything between you two now?"

"It's good," Seulgi stated quietly. "I think today was the first time in a long time where we, or I at least, could be alone with him without feeling awkward or starting an argument," she then admitted, not being able to hide her smile.

"Of course we bickered like always, but like in a friendly way?" she continued with an unsure tone in her voice. "What I'm trying to say is... It felt... Nice. Being with him."

Seungwan smiled sheepishly at her best friend. "So, did you finally tell him that you love him and are you two a couple now?"

Seulgi felt herself giggle at Seungwan's words. "Can you and Yerim stop being such big shippers? It's weird."

"No it's not!" Seungwan argued. "Also, I'm not as bad as Yerim. She's the one who likes those ship videos and moment compilations on Youtube."

Seulgi burst out in laughter at her comment before suddenly coughing as she almost choked on the pringles. Seungwan quickly patted her back and handed Seulgi her water bottle which she gladly accepted.

As soon as she stopped coughing she took a few sips and immediately placed it down on the table, making a weird face. "The water's disgusting, is it a new brand?" she asked, looking at the unrecognizable brand.

"I don't know, Sooyoung bought it."

"Of course she did."

"Ok, but if you aren't together yet then what is between you two? A situationship? Talking stage?"

Seulgi breathed out loudly through her nose. "I still think it's too early to get into a relationship with him."

"But don't you want to be with him?"

"I do. I mean, I've liked him for almost a year now. Of course I want to be with him."

"Then what's stopping you? Is it Chungha? Listen, if this is about girl code I say screw that, because the moment she called you a bitch is the moment that girl code ended."

"No, it's not about Chungha. I talked to her today and she seemed fine with the idea of me and Taeyong being in a relationship as long as we didn't rub it in her face or something."

"Okay, well, that's good isn't it?"

"What if Joohyun's right and it won't work out between us if we get together?" Seulgi asked, looking carefully at Seungwan. "Even Jennie told me that."

Seugnwan felt herself roll her eyes and sigh irritatingly. "Jennie is talking to Kai," she stated, saying his name with a bad tone to it. "She doesn't know anything about love."

"You're just saying that because you don't like any of my exes, including Kai," Seulgi smiled.

"What?" she said as if she had said nothing wrong. "Why would I like any of your exes? You're exes for a reason."

Seulgi kept her smile but also remained silent, knowing that Seungwan had more to say.

"Also," she began.
"Joohyun and Jennie are not really against the idea of you and Taeyong dating. They just don't want to see you get hurt after everything.
They care about you so much and that's why they're saying that it won't work out, because they don't want you to get involved in something that could potentially hurt your feelings. But because they care so much about you they wouldn't get mad if you and Taeyong got together if it made you happy. So don't worry about their opinions, okay?"

Seulgi sighed. "I don't know," she said. "It just feels rushed too. Like, Taeyong just got out of the relationship and now he wants to date me? What if it's just a coping mechanism to his heartbreak?"

"Seulgi," Seungwan spoke and rested her elbows on the table. "Taeyong broke up with Chungha because he realized a long time before that it's you he wants. It's you that he likes, maybe even loves."


"No buts. Taeyong didn't care about anyone's opinion and just followed his heart. It's about time you do the same. Just stop thinking for once and just follow your heart. Do what makes you happy."

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