I quickly got into a red tank top over a white T-shirt, blue shorts, and sandals. I ran a hand through my hair, my lips pursed. I looked at the mirror, my copper eyes looking back. As I thought of how I was going to be surrounded by Hunters, the clover eyes replaced my own in my mind's eyes, making me tense. But the second I blinked, I was looking into my eyes again.

Sighing, I leaned against the wall. I was more afraid than I'd ever admit. I knew Damien could tell, though. He knew just how nervous and afraid I was. Every time I thought of being around Hunter, I remembered the time I'd been alone in the forest with the Rogue Hunter. The future vision the Rogue showed me, which I hoped to changed, was still imprinted into my mind. They always stopped on EJ, someone who shouldn't even be involved. And unlike Damien, he looked dead, not in pain. I quickly filled water in my hand before splashing my face. It felt like there was death around every corner, just waiting for its turn to lash out at the ones I care about and put even more scars on my heart.

I stretched toward the sky before walking out of the bathroom. It felt like my legs didn't want to move, like they were too afraid to let me go through with the plan. As if they were fighting against the commands from my brain to move forward.

"You look as beautiful as ever," Damien said, looking up at me from his spot on the couch. I smiled at him, but it was forced. It seemed like the weight on my shoulders lessened a bit as my eyes met his.

Tony, standing by the door, watched us. "You ready, Val?"

This time I didn't hesitate when I heard the name. I nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," I replied. I walked over to Tony, Damien joining me moments later.

Damien looked at me while we walked, and when we got to Tony, I looked at the Hunter for only a moment before looking at Damien. I almost jumped when I saw his hand was coming toward my face, brushing my bangs out of the way and behind my ears. "It's like you're so used to hiding you're having trouble stopping, huh?"

I smiled, but that was all I could manage. There was a lump in my throat from nervousness.

Damien leaned forward, kissing me gently on the lips. He smiled, saying, "Love you," before he started walking toward the couch.

I pursed my lips, forcing myself to speak passed the lump in my throat. Sure, it felt weird saying it, but I felt bad not saying it when I truly meant it. "I love you too," I said, smiling slightly when Damien stopped. He glanced over his shoulder, and I saw him smile.

"With all my heart."

And that's when I finally figured out why my mother had smiled when she said she loved me with all her heart the day she died. Because you gave your heart to people. Sure, she'd given her heart to my dad, but it still must have felt funny to her when she thought about it.

I smiled back at him before looking at Tony. "Let's get going," I said. Tony smiled, opening the door and gesturing out the door. I smiled at him, walking out before looking at Damien one last time before Tony shut the door behind us. We went down to the lobby in complete silence, both of us feeling weird about this. I followed Tony to his car, starting to regret this. It just felt so weird. Sure, it was the only way to save my dad, but acting like I was in love with Tony felt strange.

Tony got into the car, glancing at me a couple of times before turning it on. I looked at him for a few minutes before looking at the road that was now flying under us.

"So, how far is the Hunter base?" I asked. I looked over at the Rogue, biting my lip as the energy that had been flowing from him and pushing against me strengthened. Despite the fact that my powers were sealed, I could still feel the energy, but the urge to run wasn't there. The energy didn't effect me as much anymore, but I still didn't like it. I didn't like the fact I'd be surrounded by the same energy whenever I went into the Hunter's headquarters.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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