Chapter Ten: Super Humans

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I couldn't say anything I was crying so hard, reliving the moment at the hospital when my mom died, hating every minute of it. I don't know when, but I fell asleep in Damien's arms for the second time in my life, knowing nothing could half made me feel more at peace than being near him. Except if I was close to my mom.

"So your dad is going to be where again?" Damien asked as he drove to my house after school. He was maneuvering through traffic with ease.

"He's going to the hospital in Ohio to see one of the old members of his team. He was diagnosed with cancer last week," I replied, watching as the trees flew by. I was still slightly queasy about everything that happened yesterday. It was a lot to take in on one day. Damien was going to my house to explain more about all of this.

"So he shouldn't be back for a while?" he asked me, turning so we got off the interstate. We'd gone to get cat food and other cat things in Clarksburg, which was why we were even on the interstate. When I nodded, Damien said, "That's good, because I'm not exactly sure if this will take a long or short time."

"So, where are the twins and Max?" I asked, remembering that the Armstrongs all arrived in one car. The very car we were driving in. I'm surprised I hadn't noticed earlier.

Damien smiled slightly. "They ran home," he said simply, shrugging.

I felt my mouth fall open. "They ran home?" I asked, completely dumbfounded. How could they run home. That's when I remembered Damien saying Super Humans have super speed, so I guess it could be possible.

Damien smiled even wider. "Talking to someone who has no idea about Super Humans is so fun." I looked away, eyes narrowed, making Damien laugh. "What? Come on, Kat. If you were me, you'd think it was funny," he said.

"Well, I'm not you, so I don't think it's funny," I snapped, glaring at him, which only led to him laughing more. I hate how people think it's so easy to pick on me, even if I knew Damien was just being silly. He'd seemed really happy when I'd woken up (still in his arms).

After about a minute, we arrived at my house. Damien pulled into the driveway, putting it in park before getting out. Then something strange happened. Well, he didn't open my door, nor did I. Yet, somehow, my door flew open. Eyes wide, I looked at Damien to see him smiling at me, his eyes violet. When I looked back, I noticed that the door had a purple aura around it. He was doing that strange power thing. Oh yeah. He'd said he was psychic.

"So, you want to talk in my bedroom or what?" I asked, walking toward the door.

"Wait, Kat," Damien said, grabbing my wrist. After I stopped, he slid his hand down into my hand and nodded toward the Buckhannon River that ran behind my house. "I have a better idea," he told me.

He led me over to the river, watching me as we walked. We passed the few trees between the river and where we were. When we got to the river, I looked up at the place like a second porch above us. Whenever someone walked to the porch, if that person went to the right so they could see around the house, they'd see some steps. If they went up them, they'd come to that second porch like area. It was by one of my two windows, right across from the one that allowed me to look out at the road. I enjoyed climbing out that window, sitting on the swing, and listening to the water.

"Watch this," he told me, his eyes turning purple. I followed his eyes, watching as one of the rocks from far off started shaking. A violet aura surrounded it, and it, as strange as it sounds, seemed to quiver. Then again, everything that was happening to me sounded strange lately.

"Watch what?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

Damien glanced at me, and then back at the rock. "You'll see in a moment." Even as he was speaking, the rock started shaking a lot harder. Damien's eyes narrowed, and then it very slowly began to rise. It dripped water as it crept toward us, dropping in the water about six feet from the edge. Damien let go of my hand and stepped behind me, wrapping his hand around my waist. My face felt so hot I wouldn't have been surprised if it was purple. My face didn't turn purple, but a purle aura did surround us. Damien and I started to raise, and then we were over the water.

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