Chapter One: My Life

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"So, how was your day yesterday?" EJ asked. This happened every time. He would start small talk and end with the question.

"Not much. I did my report on the french holiday, studied for the two tests I'm having, ate dinner, and then I took a shower and went to bed," I said.

"What holiday did you do, Kat?" EJ asked. I knew EJ didn't really care, but I figured he was just trying to find out so he could do the same holiday. So, I lied.

"Noel," I said, giving him a shrug that I always thought was what someone would do when they didn't think it mattered. Most people would do Noel, which was Christmas in English, just because it was Christmas.

"Oh, well, that's cool," he said. EJ had probably been thinking I would have done something not many people would do, which I did. I did Fête Nationale for my report, which was like our Fourth of July. We sat in silence for at least a minute, and then I sighed.

"Can't we just get this over with?" I asked, impatience taking over. I know it was a bit mean, but after a while you just want it to end and be able to get on with your life. Then EJ sighed.

"Fine," he mumbled, almost to low for me to hear. "Kaitlyn, will you go out to dinner... with me..... tonight?" EJ asked, saying my real name, Kaitlyn.

"How many times will I have to say no until you stop asking?" I asked raising an eyebrow. EJ only smiled. I shook my head. "Let me guess. One hundred million?" I recited what he had said last week. He couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess it would be nine hundred ninety-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine now, huh?" EJ chuckled. We both jumped as we heard a horn honk. "Abby's early." As he said this, he began to look at his wrist watch. "My bad. She's actually late," he corrected himself. He shot me a sideways glance. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"One sec," I said, going to the living room to get my book bag. When I got back, EJ was already outside in Abby's red car. I didn't know what type of car it was, but I knew it was one of the new types. I think it was some name like Soaring Bird or Soaring Eagle. There was another honk from outside. The one thing I knew about Abby was that no matter what, she was impatient. Before she could honk again, I ran outside.

"Took you long enough!" Abby exclaimed. Abby had shoulder length black hair, ocean blue eyes that seemed to know your exact thoughts, a bit too much dark make-up, a black lasagna strip shirt, and black pants. Also, when we were standing, she was about my height.

"What in the world happened? You get bit by a gothpire?" I asked. Abby knew I meant a vampire that turned you goth and rolled her eyes.

"It's just a new look, Kat. You know. It's like how I wanted to be a snobby prom queen last month," Abby explained. That was Abby for you. The only person she couldn't surprise was God. Her engine revved as she pulled her red car out of my drive way.

"So, what odd food are you having for lunch today, EJ?" I asked. EJ was the weird one of the group. Not only his taste buds, but him himself.

EJ smiled. "Peanut butter and mustard with gummy worms and cooked broccoli," EJ said fishing out his lunch. He pulled out a sandwich. Then he pulled it out of the sandwich bag to show us the gummy worms and broccoli in the middle, yellow mustard spread on the top. Abby made a face after looking from the rear view mirror. Her eyes flashed towards the road. She made a sudden stop as a green light turned red. EJ's sandwich fell onto the ground.

After cursing off the light, she looked back at EJ. "Sorry man," she said after seeing the sandwich. EJ's face brightened.

"Don't worry, Abs. Now it will taste better. I'll just wash it off with some pop. It will taste delicious," EJ said. Abs rolled her eyes.

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