Chapter 15

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Lucy knew there was something off about Christian, and she was right not to trust him.

Lucy felt terrible as she watched Bianca, still on the ground wailing, she quickly joined Dion and interlocked his hands with hers, hoping to calm him down.

His breathing slowed and holding her hand made everything a bit better.

They had clearly overstayed their welcome, and besides they had bigger fish to fry.

The moment they stepped outside; the sound of a single applaud could be heard.

There they were standing in the clearing just in front of the cottage Christian and Amy.

"Well, well, well if it isn't America's newest couple or wait, I thought she was rumored to be with me, might as well be America's biggest slut, what a score little brother." Christian teased.

"You keep talking and I promise you I will punch you in the throat." Dion warned, with Lucy still safely in his arms.

"Looks like we hit a nerve, poor you" Amy chimed in as she glared at Lucy.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you fall apart when I marry your precious Lucianna" Christian spat.

Both Dion and Lucy were equally confused.

"Why the fuck would I agree to marry you?" Lucy finally spoke.

"Tsk tsk, is that how you speak to your future husband and the man that has your fathers life it the palm of his hand, it'd be a shame if something were to go wrong in his surgery."

"Lucy's eyes widen with horror, You wouldn't dare."

"Oh, I absolutely would, now lucky for you I was thoughtful and drafted up the paperwork, all you have to do is sign."

"Dion, you're being awfully quiet have you finally come to your senses and realize that I could give you world." Amy inquired in a weak attempt to sway Dion.

"Oh, shut the fuck up you dick chewing goose, I'm just about tired of you." Lucy spat.

She found it impossible to keep up this charade any longer.

"Where is this newfound bravery coming from, did you not hear what I said." Christian asked furiously.

"Oh, she heard she just doesn't care, did you really think I would let you claim my angel, the moment I got wind that her father was in the care of your doctors I had him moved." Dion spat.

Earlier in the car

"Dion?" Lucy called his name.

"Yes, love" he replied quickly his eyes still glued to the road

Lucy took a minute to calm the butterflies in her stomach that formed at his last word.

"Why did you tell me not to involve Christian?" Lucy questioned curiously.

"I have a hunch that this was all his doing, hes just like that, he's been competing with me, ever since the day he found out his dad had other children. If my hunch is correct, he already knows you left the house no matter how discreet you thought you were. He saw you."

"But it's okay, I already know what he plans to do, he's going to try to take you away from me by holding your parents hostage." Dion continued; he could see that his last sentence was causing Lucy to panic severely.

"Don't worry my angel, I had them transferred out of his care, all you have to do is play the part of clueless, long enough to get him to tell on himself. It's time I get my brother the mental help he deserves along with some jail time for misbehaving." Dion finished as he laughed.

End flashback

"Wh..a..t, you're lying, but I... I did everything right, I wooed Lucy and got the pictures taken, back in the garden, I paid a handful of doctors to get her family in my care, I even went the extra mile to manipulate Amy Farron and Bianca Delrio and you're telling me it was all for naught." Christian ended sounding defeated.

"Why do you keep getting everything?, the perfect girl, the perfect family, even dad's love, you keep getting everything that should be MINEEE!!" Christian exclaimed in fury as he lunged towards Dion.

Dion dodged his attack and punched him square in the throat just as he promised and before Christian could recover Dion sent another punch his way this one connecting him dead in his face, that was enough to knock him out.

"Lights out little brother, thank you for that confession."

In the corner of Lucy's eye, she caught on to a silver blade in Amy's hand, she was going to attack Dion while his back was still turned.


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