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Sixteen year old Luciana, dreaded waking up today, June 27, 2015. It was her last day at school, before she would leave to start college early at Stanford University.

Lucianna had always been smart and would constantly occupy the top position in her class,a feat she was ever so proud of, but it truly came as a surprise when her school offered her a fully paid scholarship earlier this month.

To say her family was happy to hear the news would be an understatement,they were crying with joy when her teacher contacted them .

Though no one was happier than her , so grateful that her already poor parents wouldn't have to struggle to put her through college. After all, a baker and a construction worker could hardly afford the costly fee of college.

As if on cue , Esmae Flores popped her head into her daughter's room. "Time to get out of bed sweetheart" her mother spoke while knocking on the door, bringing her out of her thoughts.

Seeing that she had already been awake, her mother quietly slipped back out the door. With one swift movement she tossed her floral bed cover over her body and jumped out of bed.

She walked over towards the window and pulled back the curtains, letting the warm morning sun bathe her body.

She was going to miss this the most, it was her favourite thing to do , something about those moments made her ready for the day.

She sighed, as she turned away from the window and headed towards the bathroom. Not failing to stop at the mirror to stare at her reflection.

Her messy red hair which she inherited from her father, formed messy curls which stopped mid back. She stared at her freckles and brown eyes a while longer , finally breaking the gaze she stepped into the shower.

After she showered , she brushed her teeth and hopped into her underwear. She scanned the clothing on the bed that she had already taken out since the night before.

The grey oversized tee and black jeans and her old but comfy black converse suited her style perfectly, totally unnoticeable.

She got dressed ,her red hair covering her face, as she always wore it, grabbed her bookbag and picked up her very old fashioned, unprescribed glasses, and headed down the stairs.

Halfway down the stairs , she stopped to admire her parents, who stood in the kitchen. Staring at each other as if they were love stuck teenagers.

Her dad was playing with her mom's brunette hair, which seemed to make her giggle.

Collecting a sandwich and a box of orange juice , off the kitchen counter. She interrupted her parents with an awkward cough.

"Mom , Dad I'm leaving for school," she said, walking towards the door , leaving her parents reddened faces .


Dion grunted loudly as he hit his locker in anger and frustration , he swore that was the last time that his bastard father hit his mother as he recalled the events earlier that morning.

Dion was woken abruptly from his sleep with the sounds of yelling and furniture being thrown.He opted out of bed quickly to find the source of this interruption.

The thought was already in his mind but his eyes had just confirmed it.The sight before him was a bleeding Marlenis Huxley passed out on the floor among some broken shards of glass.

His sperm donor was throwing a drunk fit, and it was all directed towards his mother . Dion's blood was boiling, he'd gone too far this time.

The fact that it was "this time" severely bothered Dion. The only thing that protected this deadbeat all the other times before was his mother's blinding compassion.

He'd seen the marks, but she would always fuss it over to be nothing.

His hands folded into fists and his knuckles had gone white, he was finally 18 , just about old enough to make this slob feel some pain.

His eyes locked in on the darked haired man in the living room , staring back at him. His anger grew with every step he took down the stairs,

Finally face to face , he stood slightly taller than the man he now held in his left hand. His right hand raised, preparing to land the first punch.

He was distracted by the creaking of the stairs.His head spun around , and his eyes softened.His precious baby sister appeared at the top of the staircase.

He knew he couldn't hurt that man while his sister stood there. With a sigh , he escorted Stephen West to the poarch , with a final threat to never return.

Back to reality.Dion turned harshly on his right heel, his anger had now boiled down . He geared towards his best bro Nick Shaw, who had just arrived.

He mistakenly bumped into a small figure but failed to notice who it was. Unbothered by this , Dion continued his previous journey.


The day had finally arrived. Luciana would finally leave Maryland. She remembered her family's sad faces as she boarded the plane.

Her heart broke, especially for her little sister Ariana, she was the spitting image of their mother. Long brunette hair and brown eyes.

They were the complete opposite of each other, yet they were inseparable.

Luciana's face drifted towards her travelling partner. Caroline Stevens. And a smile formed on her face .

She watched as Caroline struggled to get a strand of her blonde hair out of her mouth.

Luciana held back her laughter as her friend's head rose watching her with a frustrated look.

"Lucy don't you dare laugh" her friend warned, but she was already rolling with laughter, only stopping when she received a hit on her arm.

The only good thing about leaving was that she got to leave with her best friend , they were very fortunate to both get offered scholarships at Stanford.

Lucy's head turned towards the window as the plane ascended upwards, her mind focused on the hallway events of last Friday, blood rushed to her cheeks at the thought .

College here we come.

A/N this is the most boring chapter I've ever written, I truly apologise but these introductions were neccesary better things to come I promise.

Not edited.

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