Chapter 12

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This wasn't good, Dion's blood boiled for two reasons. The first being that his name was being associated with his sperm donor's other son.

The second being that the scum Christian West was meddling with someone that is exclusive to Dion only.

In the middle of a damage control phone call for his image, with his head of security, Hector, hosted in his childhood home now rebuilt into a mansion.

A beaming Isabelle entered his room 'Hey big bro I heard you were back home."

Dion held out his finger as a sign for her to pause as he finished his call, and turned to give his attention to his little sister.

"Mom says to remind you not to miss her annual neighborhood brunch, she also says to bring a date and if you don't, she's inviting her friend's daughter Bianca"

Dion's face immediately turned to disgust, as he recalled his personal childhood pest, that would follow him everywhere.

He rolled his eyes as he thought of a quick lie to keep his family under wraps.

"Dile a mamá que traeré una cita, no hay necesidad de molestarse."

(Tell mom I'll bring a date no need to bother)

"Ouu is it the mystery mistress I've been reading about?" Isabelle screamed as she jumped unto the bed.

Dion motioned her a nod and a smile as he watched her jump up to go tell the family.

Dion so badly wanted his nonexistent date to be Lucy, but she couldnt stand him, let alone agree to meet his family.

Disappointing his mother was the last thing he wanted, but just for today Dion agreed to bare it.


Yo voy by zion and lennox could be heard throughout the luxurious garden decorated with tables and chairs with white covers.

The purple and pink flowers complemented the brunch perfectly; however, they were currently home to an anxious Dion, who tried squeezing his very masculine body into the batch of flowers.

Not only was he hiding from pestering mama's looking to court him off to their daughters, but also his own mother who too wished to hook him up with one of the young ladies.

A piercing pain from the squeezing of his ears alerted Dion that he was not alone.

The hand inflicting the pain was a shorter, older Latina woman known to the community and to Dion as abuelita

Abuelita was Dion's mother's mother otherwise know as his grandmother. She was a stubborn 72-year-old that only spoke Spanish.

"Sal de ahí vas a destrozar mis preciosas flores," she yelled.

(Get out of there you'll destroy my precious flowers)

The pain in Dion's ear was becoming more painful by the second, he knew better than to meddle with his grandmothers flowers.

In an attempt to sway her anger, he offered her kiss on the forehead and a promise to have a hundred more of carnations and wisteria flowers flown in.

The old woman visibly pleased released her nietos (grandsons) ears and smiled at him proudly with all her gums since she had no teeth left.

Seeing his grandmother happy made Dion happy as well until it became noticeable that something else was on the old womans mind as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's the matter abuelita?" Dion inquired.

"No, me gusta tu novia, su olor es muy alto y su vestido es demasiado pequeño para su cuerpo." Abuelita spoke with disgust.

(I don't like your girlfriend; her scent is very high, and her dress is way too small for her body)

"Te amo mi amor, pero ella no es la indicada."

(I love you my love, but she is not the one)

By now Dion was fully confused, what girlfriend was his grandmother talking about, to his knowing he didn't have one.

Before he could ask her anymore questions the old woman had already wandered off to another crowd of older women.

Dion made the regrettable decision to move towards the center of the brunch, where the majority of the guest were gathered, where he hoped to find his alleged girlfriend.


The moment Dion stepped into the center of the garden, he immediately noticed Amy in a visibly uncomfortable conversation with his mother.

Anger coursed through Dion's veins like never before the audacity of this bimbo to force and coerce her way into his family was unacceptable.

Within seconds Dion had a firm grip on Amys arm, politely excusing her from his mother and dragging her away to a more discreet part of the garden.

His grandmother was right, Amy's heavily scented floral perfumed burned his nose and her dress looked like it hurt to put on.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Dion questioned with his hand still firmly gripping her arm

"Dion baby, what do you mean, we're together right?" I thought it was time I met your family, now please let go you're going to cause a scene." Amy professed.

"Listen, I don't have time for whatever delusional fantasy you're living in right now, nor do I care." Dion spoke making sure that he was being especially clear.

"Whatever we had, it's done and it's dead, now make yourself scarce, before I drag you out myself." Dion ended as he walked off to cool down.

Amy's eyes filled with tears, Dion's words cut her like a thousand knives, she was angry, as it was blatantly clear that he had slipped from grasp because of Lucianna.

She reached into her little black purse and grabbed her phone and dialed a familiar number.

"Do it, do it now" she mumbled between tears and ended the call.

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